Arlington Park

July 26 , 2008

Fast Track Simulcapping

Ratings and Data

* Jockey* = change
# Program numberLRLast Race speed rating
ML Morning LineB2Avg Best 2 races, last 10
Tr Trainer Win PctTRTurf Rating
DRDistance Rating
DLR Days since last raceRPRace Pace Avg 2 pacelines
FW Furlongs worked 3 weeksEPEarly Pace Avg 2 pacelines
AER Average Earnings RatioLPLate Pace Avg 2 pacelines
QS Quirin Speed Points (0 to 8)FTSFinal Time Speed Avg 2 pacelines

Contender Algorithm Factors
Speed : FTS, B2, DR or TR, and RTG
Pace : FTS, RP, EP or LP, DR or TR
Class : RP or TR, AER, and ML

Race 1 : [ Alw 30500n1x ] Mile 1/16 ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 30500

Speed: Stars Of The Sea Command Sgt. Major Riverside Rascal
Pace: Stars Of The Sea Buddy's Bid Riverside Rascal
Class: Stars Of The Sea Riverside Rascal Buddy's Bid
LongShot: Stars Of The Sea

Race Par = 87

5 Stars Of The Sea Karlsson I* 12 Goodridge 7 ++ 15-1 13 0 16 8 90 90 87 53 98 98 92 90
3 Riverside Rascal Baird E T 16 Lewellyn P 5 ++ 5-1 21 0 29 4 87 88 88 73 98 94 94 88
4 Command Sgt. Major Graham J 14 Tomlinson 7 ++ 5/2 21 0 36 4 87 90 88 70 88 86 102 88
6 Attempted Humor Campbell J 13 Pletcher T 21 8/5 28 10 100 4 88 84 86 0 94 91 93 84
1 Gun It Perez E E * 12 Williamson 14 NN 6-1 21 5 21 3 78 86 86 59 92 90 94 84
2 Buddy's Bid Fires E * 24 Fires Will 9 nn 9/2 14 4 65 6 79 85 85 0 97 96 86 82

Top Fives
Riverside Rascal 98
Stars Of The Sea 98
Buddy's Bid 97
Attempted Humor 94
Gun It 92
Stars Of The Sea 98
Buddy's Bid 96
Riverside Rascal 94
Attempted Humor 91
Gun It 90
Command Sgt. Major 102
Riverside Rascal 94
Gun It 94
Attempted Humor 93
Stars Of The Sea 92
Stars Of The Sea 90
Riverside Rascal 88
Command Sgt. Major 88
Attempted Humor 84
Gun It 84
Command Sgt. Major 90
Stars Of The Sea 90
Riverside Rascal 88
Gun It 86
Buddy's Bid 85
Riverside Rascal 88
Command Sgt. Major 88
Stars Of The Sea 87
Attempted Humor 86
Gun It 86
Riverside Rascal 73
Command Sgt. Major 70
Gun It 59
Stars Of The Sea 53
Buddy's Bid 0
Stars Of The Sea 90
Attempted Humor 88
Riverside Rascal 87
Command Sgt. Major 87
Buddy's Bid 79

Race 2 : [ Clm 25000 ] Mile 1/16 ... on Turf ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 23500

Speed: Handsome Fee Very Capo Dynareign
Pace: Very Capo Dynareign Gold Sound
Class: Handsome Fee Very Capo Dynareign
LongShot: Handsome Fee Very Capo

Race Par = 85

5 Handsome Fee Thornton T* 19 Scherer Ri 18 ++ 8-1 20 0 42 6 89 96 90 94 100 95 97 92
6 Must Trust Perez E E 12 Block Chri 22 Nn 3-1 17 4 100 3 67 88 82 84 91 88 98 86
7 Gold Sound Sanchez Di* 7 Stidham Mi 14 ++ 7/2 15 4 38 4 84 88 88 88 98 88 98 86
4 Dynareign Douglas R 19 Rivelli La 21 ++ 5/2 28 4 31 1 76 96 96 96 92 88 96 84
1 Very Capo Campbell J* 13 Magana Hec 11 ++ 6-1 20 0 41 5 86 102 84 100 94 88 96 84
3 Giant Shift Karlsson I* 12 Kirby Fran 14 ++ 10-1 28 9 25 1 76 94 88 88 93 86 96 82
2 Boom Boom Charlie Baird E T 16 Holas Scot 7 NN 20-1 28 4 30 5 77 84 84 84 90 82 96 78
8 Touch Em All Sterling L* 11 Reavis Mic 19 8-1 28 5 14 3 78 82 75 78 88 84 92 76

Top Fives
Handsome Fee 100
Gold Sound 98
Very Capo 94
Giant Shift 93
Dynareign 92
Handsome Fee 95
Dynareign 88
Must Trust 88
Gold Sound 88
Very Capo 88
Must Trust 98
Gold Sound 98
Handsome Fee 97
Boom Boom Charlie 96
Giant Shift 96
Handsome Fee 92
Must Trust 86
Gold Sound 86
Dynareign 84
Very Capo 84
Very Capo 102
Dynareign 96
Handsome Fee 96
Giant Shift 94
Must Trust 88
Dynareign 96
Handsome Fee 90
Giant Shift 88
Gold Sound 88
Boom Boom Charlie 84
Very Capo 100
Dynareign 96
Handsome Fee 94
Giant Shift 88
Gold Sound 88
Handsome Fee 89
Very Capo 86
Gold Sound 84
Touch Em All 78
Boom Boom Charlie 77

Race 3 : [ Md Sp Wt ] 5 1/2 F. ... on Dirt ... for Fillies 2 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 28000

Speed: Petty Things Miss Josefine Forest Queen
Pace: Petty Things Miss Josefine Forest Queen
Class: Petty Things Miss Josefine Forest Queen
LongShot: Petty Things

Race Par = 75

3 Petty Things Melancon L 12 Whiting Ly 15 + 6-1 27 4 0 0 88 88 0 0 88 94 94 88
5 Miss Josefine Razo E Jr * 18 Razo Euseb 15 + 30-1 21 4 0 0 76 76 0 0 92 80 96 76
2 Forest Queen Sanchez Di* 7 Geier Greg 13 4-1 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 A. J.'s Love Campbell J* 13 Campbell M 15 10-1 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 My Next Wife Karlsson I* 12 Quinn Jerr 0 15-1 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Missy Miner Emigh C A * 15 Gestes Ter 18 9/2 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Country Living Theriot H * 16 Calhoun Wi 29 3-1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Sergeant Carter Lopez U A * 9 Gulick Jam 15 10-1 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Fillysophical Douglas R * 19 Hobby Stev 22 7/2 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Miss Josefine 92
Petty Things 88
Forest Queen 0
A. J.'s Love 0
My Next Wife 0
Petty Things 94
Miss Josefine 80
Forest Queen 0
A. J.'s Love 0
My Next Wife 0
Miss Josefine 96
Petty Things 94
Forest Queen 0
A. J.'s Love 0
My Next Wife 0
Petty Things 88
Miss Josefine 76
Forest Queen 0
A. J.'s Love 0
My Next Wife 0
Petty Things 88
Miss Josefine 76
Forest Queen 0
A. J.'s Love 0
My Next Wife 0
Forest Queen 0
Petty Things 0
A. J.'s Love 0
Miss Josefine 0
My Next Wife 0
Forest Queen 0
Petty Things 0
A. J.'s Love 0
Miss Josefine 0
My Next Wife 0
Petty Things 88
Miss Josefine 76
Forest Queen 0
A. J.'s Love 0
My Next Wife 0

Race 4 : [ Clm 7500 ] 5 1/2 F. ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 12500

Speed: Royally Robbed Wonone Shakesperean Story
Pace: Shakesperean Story Wonone Wagon Load
Class: Royally Robbed Luga Wonone
LongShot: Wagon Load

Race Par = 88

9 Luga Meier Bran 19 Washington 0 + 7/2 22 0 77 6 89 91 0 0 98 98 93 91
3 Shakesperean Story Graham J * 14 Janks Chri 19 + 5-1 22 4 42 3 89 89 69 0 96 95 94 89
2 Wagon Load Ferrer J C* 12 Shenofsky 12 + 6-1 20 0 47 4 86 88 80 0 98 95 93 88
4 Small Value Karlsson I* 12 Butkevic R 0 +- 30-1 69 4 28 1 89 88 0 80 100 95 93 88
7 Campo Riggs Tann* 11 Houghton R 14 + 15-1 22 0 69 0 85 88 80 0 98 86 102 88
8 Royally Robbed Velez J A * 14 Ely Janice 11 + 10-1 24 0 100 4 80 97 0 0 97 96 92 88
11 Rick's Wonderboy Alvarado J* 10 Tomillo Th 11 + 20-1 24 5 21 7 80 90 74 0 94 97 89 86
10 Wonone Perez E E 12 Bennett Da 27 ++- 9/2 30 3 57 6 84 95 93 0 95 97 88 85
5 Afleet Devil Meier R 4 Young Terr 3 + 12-1 8 0 40 5 79 89 84 77 93 92 92 84
1 Joe W. Razo E Jr 18 Hobby Stev 22 n 4-1 24 0 48 5 85 86 82 0 92 94 90 84
6 Solid Trip Emigh C A 15 Scherbensk 10 + 15-1 20 0 38 5 88 90 0 70 94 88 91 79

Top Fives
Small Value 100
Wagon Load 98
Campo 98
Luga 98
Royally Robbed 97
Luga 98
Wonone 97
Rick's Wonderboy 97
Royally Robbed 96
Wagon Load 95
Campo 102
Shakesperean Story 94
Wagon Load 93
Small Value 93
Luga 93
Luga 91
Shakesperean Story 89
Wagon Load 88
Small Value 88
Campo 88
Royally Robbed 97
Wonone 95
Luga 91
Solid Trip 90
Rick's Wonderboy 90
Wonone 93
Afleet Devil 84
Joe W. 82
Wagon Load 80
Campo 80
Small Value 80
Afleet Devil 77
Solid Trip 70
Wagon Load 0
Shakesperean Story 0
Shakesperean Story 89
Small Value 89
Luga 89
Solid Trip 88
Wagon Load 86

Race 5 : [ Md Sp Wt ] 5 1/2 F. ... on Dirt ... for Fillies 2 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 28000

Speed: She's Salty Too Hot Pistol Timeless Miss
Pace: She's Salty Too Hot Pistol Timeless Miss
Class: She's Salty Too Hot Pistol Timeless Miss
LongShot: Hot Pistol

Race Par = 87

9 She's Salty Too Razo E Jr 18 Wiggins Lo 18 + 3-1 35 8 100 6 100 100 0 0 100 100 100 100
1 Hot Pistol Melancon L 12 Whiting Ly 15 + 10-1 27 4 0 1 88 88 0 0 88 94 94 88
3 Timeless Miss Fires E 24 Broussard 10 4-1 14 6 30 0 82 82 0 0 90 83 99 82
2 Sue's Update Douglas R * 19 Hobby Stev 22 9/2 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Our Royal Prospect Meier Bran* 19 Hansen And 12 30-1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Lake Cook Emigh C A * 15 Williamson 14 12-1 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Hooh Why Karlsson I* 12 Dupuy Donn 3 30-1 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Secret Spell Graham J * 14 Werner Ron 9 7/2 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Selina Moon Sterling L* 11 Asmussen S 22 5-1 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
She's Salty Too 100
Timeless Miss 90
Hot Pistol 88
Sue's Update 0
Our Royal Prospect 0
She's Salty Too 100
Hot Pistol 94
Timeless Miss 83
Sue's Update 0
Our Royal Prospect 0
She's Salty Too 100
Timeless Miss 99
Hot Pistol 94
Sue's Update 0
Our Royal Prospect 0
She's Salty Too 100
Hot Pistol 88
Timeless Miss 82
Sue's Update 0
Our Royal Prospect 0
She's Salty Too 100
Hot Pistol 88
Timeless Miss 82
Sue's Update 0
Our Royal Prospect 0
Sue's Update 0
Timeless Miss 0
Our Royal Prospect 0
Lake Cook 0
Hooh Why 0
Sue's Update 0
Timeless Miss 0
Our Royal Prospect 0
Lake Cook 0
Hooh Why 0
She's Salty Too 100
Hot Pistol 88
Timeless Miss 82
Sue's Update 0
Our Royal Prospect 0

Race 6 : [ Md 40000 ] One Mile ... on Turf ... for Fillies and Mares 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 17000

Speed: Skilled Geeg Ottos Lotto
Pace: Ottos Lotto Skilled Geeg
Class: Misszoey Belle Chantilly Slew Geeg
LongShot: Ottos Lotto

Race Par = 83

4 Geeg Bourque Da 8 Berndt Joe 14 + 5-1 20 0 42 6 86 84 79 84 92 92 92 84
10 Misszoey Belle Fires E 24 Wilkes Ian 14 3-1 20 5 61 3 87 84 0 76 91 87 97 84
5 Penny's Time Meier R * 4 Fires Will 9 20-1 35 10 0 1 85 83 0 0 95 87 96 83
8 Santa Fe Sally Campbell J* 13 Campbell M 15 10-1 24 8 48 8 82 82 73 73 92 96 86 82
11 Skilled Velez J A 14 Williamson 14 + 4-1 20 8 52 5 88 82 76 88 92 92 90 82
1 Ottos Lotto Agilar Tre 8 Schiemann 18 Nn 20-1 16 4 32 0 82 82 80 82 91 82 100 82
9 Schwa Graham J * 14 Stewart Da 14 10-1 24 0 30 5 82 81 0 0 94 96 85 81
3 Chantilly Slew Perez E E 12 Livesay Ch 9 20-1 8 5 16 0 61 86 0 0 92 90 90 80
13 Riding The Wind Douglas R * 19 Hobby Stev 22 6-1 36 9 36 2 43 78 0 43 89 86 92 78
6 Acadeca Douglas R * 19 Arnold Geo 16 - 6-1 36 4 19 5 64 76 78 72 88 84 92 76
2 Mcclees Creek Emigh C A * 15 Gestes Ter 18 - 8-1 61 8 100 5 67 80 0 75 86 92 83 75
14 Bambina Runner Chen M B * 4 Portillo E 0 30-1 24 4 4 5 72 74 0 0 89 86 87 73
12 Bella Be Dazzled Baird E T * 16 Cristel Ma 14 30-1 36 5 23 2 36 81 0 40 80 84 80 64
7 Step Sister Riggs Tann* 11 Gulick Jam 15 30-1 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Penny's Time 95
Schwa 94
Chantilly Slew 92
Geeg 92
Santa Fe Sally 92
Santa Fe Sally 96
Schwa 96
Mcclees Creek 92
Geeg 92
Skilled 92
Ottos Lotto 100
Misszoey Belle 97
Penny's Time 96
Geeg 92
Acadeca 92
Geeg 84
Misszoey Belle 84
Penny's Time 83
Santa Fe Sally 82
Skilled 82
Chantilly Slew 86
Geeg 84
Misszoey Belle 84
Penny's Time 83
Santa Fe Sally 82
Ottos Lotto 80
Geeg 79
Acadeca 78
Skilled 76
Santa Fe Sally 73
Skilled 88
Geeg 84
Ottos Lotto 82
Misszoey Belle 76
Mcclees Creek 75
Skilled 88
Misszoey Belle 87
Geeg 86
Penny's Time 85
Santa Fe Sally 82

Race 7 : [ Clm 5000n2l ] 6 1/2 F. ... on Dirt ... for Fillies and Mares 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 10000

Speed: Hour Classic Officer Philly Beautifulblueyes
Pace: Officer Philly Fling My Bling Livielu
Class: Hour Classic Officer Philly Beaver Pond
LongShot: Fling My Bling

Race Par = 81

14 Officer Philly Lopez U A 9 Gulick Jam 15 + 6-1 14 0 73 4 79 84 0 0 96 92 92 84
2 Beaver Pond Emigh C A 15 Williamson 14 + 12-1 36 9 87 7 84 82 0 0 92 92 90 82
6 Beautifulblueyes Razo E Jr * 18 Ryan Chris 0 +n 6-1 21 0 39 3 80 82 78 0 90 93 89 82
13 Fling My Bling Karlsson I* 12 Mcmullen J 14 +N 6-1 15 0 23 0 66 82 79 78 98 86 96 82
9 Muncha Suerte Meza N 4 Ryan Chris 0 N 20-1 21 0 13 0 77 80 67 0 90 86 94 80
12 Hour Classic Lantz J A * 6 Mullins Sc 7 + 5-1 21 4 100 4 77 88 77 0 92 89 91 80
4 Jaguar Type Alvarado J* 10 Aguilar Ro 0 20-1 21 0 29 0 76 78 76 58 93 85 92 77
5 Livielu Karlsson I 12 Hinsley Da 12 8-1 30 4 36 5 76 76 69 0 92 90 86 76
3 Fat Cat Bertie Lopez U A 9 Magana Hec 11 6-1 15 0 20 3 69 77 74 70 90 88 86 74
7 Cart's Last Picnic Thornton T* 19 Cristel Ma 14 N 12-1 38 12 58 0 53 80 0 52 86 84 86 70
11 Fairest Senorita Whitacre G 11 Tomillo Th 11 - 30-1 30 3 10 1 76 74 71 66 86 84 86 70
1 Kel's Silver Charm Ferrer J C 12 Spagnola I 4 - 9/2 91 9 50 0 38 78 65 0 84 85 83 68
10 Windy Native Meier Bran* 19 Kasperski 7 10-1 22 0 24 0 55 70 53 0 83 90 77 67
8 First Holme Meier R 4 Cameron Mo 0 6-1 30 5 55 1 76 0 64 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Fling My Bling 98
Officer Philly 96
Jaguar Type 93
Beaver Pond 92
Livielu 92
Beautifulblueyes 93
Beaver Pond 92
Officer Philly 92
Livielu 90
Windy Native 90
Fling My Bling 96
Muncha Suerte 94
Jaguar Type 92
Officer Philly 92
Hour Classic 91
Officer Philly 84
Beaver Pond 82
Beautifulblueyes 82
Fling My Bling 82
Muncha Suerte 80
Hour Classic 88
Officer Philly 84
Beaver Pond 82
Beautifulblueyes 82
Fling My Bling 82
Fling My Bling 79
Beautifulblueyes 78
Hour Classic 77
Jaguar Type 76
Fat Cat Bertie 74
Fling My Bling 78
Fat Cat Bertie 70
Fairest Senorita 66
Jaguar Type 58
Cart's Last Picnic 52
Beaver Pond 84
Beautifulblueyes 80
Officer Philly 79
Muncha Suerte 77
Hour Classic 77

Race 8 : [ TaylorSpec50k ] 5 F. ... on Turf ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 50000

Speed: Mr. Nightlinger Prosico Lookinforthesecret
Pace: Fort Prado Mr. Nightlinger The Nth Degree
Class: Lookinforthesecret Mr. Nightlinger Prosico
LongShot: Prosico

Race Par = 96

9 Mr. Nightlinger Theriot H 16 Calhoun Wi 29 ++- 2-1 38 4 94 8 99 100 100 100 104 104 96 100
6 Lookinforthesecret Thornton T* 19 Ness Jamie 36 ++- 7/2 41 4 100 8 94 99 97 97 104 106 91 97
7 Prosico Baird E T * 16 Bennett Da 27 ++ 8-1 62 13 17 6 97 100 100 100 104 104 93 97
2 Live From Appollo Razo E Jr 18 Hobby Stev 22 - 20-1 42 4 26 7 92 98 76 84 100 99 97 96
3 Mighty Rule Graham J 14 Janks Chri 19 6-1 35 10 46 6 100 96 90 92 100 100 94 94
8 The Nth Degree Canchano A 10 Caramori E 21 ++ 15-1 48 11 13 3 93 96 96 96 102 95 99 94
4 Off Duty Melancon L 12 Whiting Ly 15 10-1 21 5 56 5 87 94 0 0 100 96 97 93
5 Shark Campbell J 13 Thornbury 14 ++ 20-1 23 4 22 5 90 98 95 98 97 96 94 90
1 Fort Prado Douglas R 19 Block Chri 22 + 4-1 35 12 25 1 90 98 90 98 97 88 102 90

Top Fives
Lookinforthesecret 104
Prosico 104
Mr. Nightlinger 104
The Nth Degree 102
Live From Appollo 100
Lookinforthesecret 106
Prosico 104
Mr. Nightlinger 104
Mighty Rule 100
Live From Appollo 99
Fort Prado 102
The Nth Degree 99
Live From Appollo 97
Off Duty 97
Mr. Nightlinger 96
Mr. Nightlinger 100
Lookinforthesecret 97
Prosico 97
Live From Appollo 96
Mighty Rule 94
Prosico 100
Mr. Nightlinger 100
Lookinforthesecret 99
Live From Appollo 98
Shark 98
Prosico 100
Mr. Nightlinger 100
Lookinforthesecret 97
The Nth Degree 96
Shark 95
Prosico 100
Mr. Nightlinger 100
Shark 98
Fort Prado 98
Lookinforthesecret 97
Mighty Rule 100
Mr. Nightlinger 99
Prosico 97
Lookinforthesecret 94
The Nth Degree 93

Race 9 : [ Md Sp Wt ] Mile 1/16 ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 28000

Speed: Grand Trio Manassa Mauler Storm Boot Larry
Pace: Manassa Mauler Storm Boot Larry Grand Trio
Class: Manassa Mauler Grand Trio More Than Able
LongShot: Storm Boot Larry

Race Par = 89

4 Grand Trio Graham J 14 Asmussen S 22 + 5-1 28 9 67 5 84 90 82 0 98 94 96 90
9 Manassa Mauler Douglas R * 19 Brothers F 16 ++ 3-1 28 4 91 5 94 90 90 0 102 98 92 90
1 Storm Boot Larry Fires E 24 Zavash Ker 5 + 12-1 14 0 30 5 87 90 85 0 99 92 98 90
2 More Than Able Alvarado J 10 Ely Janice 11 ++ 10-1 28 4 45 2 81 89 88 0 100 96 92 88
3 Spy Park Theriot H * 16 Miller Dar 12 7/2 22 3 61 5 80 86 0 0 96 93 93 86
5 Glory Creek Razo E Jr * 18 Hobby Stev 22 6-1 50 13 75 6 80 86 81 0 98 95 91 86
7 Revenge Is Sweet Baird E T * 16 Mcgee Paul 22 N- 9/2 154 16 100 2 78 88 82 0 89 89 93 82
6 Black Gulch Zimmerman * 13 Hofmans Gr 12 15-1 14 5 23 4 84 79 82 74 91 91 88 79
8 Presence Of Mind Geroux Flo* 7 Galvin Der 17 20-1 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Manassa Mauler 102
More Than Able 100
Storm Boot Larry 99
Grand Trio 98
Glory Creek 98
Manassa Mauler 98
More Than Able 96
Glory Creek 95
Grand Trio 94
Spy Park 93
Storm Boot Larry 98
Grand Trio 96
Spy Park 93
Revenge Is Sweet 93
More Than Able 92
Grand Trio 90
Manassa Mauler 90
Storm Boot Larry 90
More Than Able 88
Spy Park 86
Grand Trio 90
Manassa Mauler 90
Storm Boot Larry 90
More Than Able 89
Revenge Is Sweet 88
Manassa Mauler 90
More Than Able 88
Storm Boot Larry 85
Grand Trio 82
Black Gulch 82
Black Gulch 74
More Than Able 0
Spy Park 0
Grand Trio 0
Glory Creek 0
Manassa Mauler 94
Storm Boot Larry 87
Grand Trio 84
Black Gulch 84
More Than Able 81

Race 10 : [ SeaOErnH150k ] One Mile ... on Turf ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 150000

Speed: Demarcation Karelian Obi Wan Kenobi
Pace: Karelian Obi Wan Kenobi Demarcation
Class: Coragil Cat Demarcation Lewis Michael
LongShot: Obi Wan Kenobi Demarcation

Race Par = 95

1 Coragil Cat Sanchez Di 7 Geier Greg 13 8-1 63 9 40 3 95 100 0 0 101 96 101 97
7 Demarcation Baird E T * 16 Mcgee Paul 22 ++ 10-1 48 10 19 4 97 98 95 98 104 94 102 96
6 Karelian Graham J * 14 Arnold Geo 16 +- 8-1 334 14 39 5 97 96 88 96 95 86 108 94
5 Obi Wan Kenobi Campbell J* 13 Brothers F 16 ++ 10-1 28 9 18 3 75 97 96 97 96 90 102 92
10 Yate's Black Cat Emigh C A * 15 Romans Dal 12 NN 9/2 28 4 31 2 78 94 95 94 96 88 102 90
11 Vanquisher Velez J A * 14 Mott Willi 16 12-1 23 8 20 0 92 92 91 92 95 91 99 90
4 Steve's Double Mena M 15 Werner Ron 9 5-1 22 4 37 5 90 96 88 90 99 97 92 89
9 Therecomesatiger Theriot H 16 Proctor Th 19 n 15-1 56 18 26 5 88 93 85 93 97 90 98 88
3 Pickapocket Razo E Jr * 18 Mott Willi 16 8-1 28 12 16 3 77 86 84 86 88 80 102 82
8 Voy Por Uno Mas Alvarado J* 10 Yanez Mois 11 + 30-1 13 8 13 8 82 98 75 98 90 91 83 74
2 Lewis Michael Douglas R * 19 Catalano W 42 - 3-1 274 12 100 4 74 100 0 0 89 81 92 73

Top Fives
Demarcation 104
Coragil Cat 101
Steve's Double 99
Therecomesatiger 97
Obi Wan Kenobi 96
Steve's Double 97
Coragil Cat 96
Demarcation 94
Voy Por Uno Mas 91
Vanquisher 91
Karelian 108
Pickapocket 102
Obi Wan Kenobi 102
Demarcation 102
Yate's Black Cat 102
Coragil Cat 97
Demarcation 96
Karelian 94
Obi Wan Kenobi 92
Yate's Black Cat 90
Lewis Michael 100
Coragil Cat 100
Demarcation 98
Voy Por Uno Mas 98
Obi Wan Kenobi 97
Obi Wan Kenobi 96
Demarcation 95
Yate's Black Cat 95
Vanquisher 91
Steve's Double 88
Demarcation 98
Voy Por Uno Mas 98
Obi Wan Kenobi 97
Karelian 96
Yate's Black Cat 94
Karelian 97
Demarcation 97
Coragil Cat 95
Vanquisher 92
Steve's Double 90

Race 11 : [ Alw 32500n2x ] 6 1/2 F. ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 32500

Speed: Michalson Streak Lightning Stormy
Pace: Smoke N Magic Glory To Spare Rocket Rodd
Class: Lightning Stormy Rocket Rodd Streak
LongShot: Glory To Spare

Race Par = 93

12 Lightning Stormy Douglas R 19 Swearingen 9 + 8-1 23 5 58 0 83 95 0 86 101 92 103 95
8 Michalson Ferrer J C 12 Davis Lian 16 + 12-1 23 0 39 4 83 94 82 0 100 98 96 94
5 Michael's Dreamin' Sterling L* 11 Reavis Mic 19 N 10-1 22 4 96 5 90 92 0 0 97 99 93 92
6 Smoke N Magic Emigh C A 15 Janks Chri 19 N 4-1 31 5 83 1 85 92 70 84 99 98 94 92
7 Streak Silva C H 11 Hazelton R 12 + 12-1 21 0 87 6 91 95 89 84 96 96 96 92
11 Stitchntwine Alvarado J* 10 Scherbensk 10 N 20-1 23 4 43 5 82 92 88 0 99 94 98 92
1 Rocket Rodd Lopez U A 9 Boyce Mich 15 N 5-1 29 5 84 8 95 92 0 0 102 102 90 92
10 Skating Sam Thornton T* 19 Phillips B 6 N 20-1 23 4 36 3 83 92 80 0 98 98 93 91
4 J. Pa Graham J * 14 Gestes Ter 18 9/2 35 5 100 7 85 90 0 0 95 97 93 90
13 Glory To Spare Meier Bran* 19 Mullins Sc 7 +- 30-1 56 0 17 7 88 96 79 0 102 100 90 90
3 Gato's Pirate Bourque Da 8 Brueggeman 15 15-1 23 0 50 3 83 89 80 0 102 92 94 86
2 Dakota Rebel Meier R 4 Wainwright 9 15-1 35 5 85 7 85 85 0 0 96 94 91 85
9 That I Am Perez E E * 12 Block Chri 22 8-1 55 10 57 1 82 75 0 80 80 82 93 75

Top Fives
Gato's Pirate 102
Glory To Spare 102
Rocket Rodd 102
Lightning Stormy 101
Michalson 100
Rocket Rodd 102
Glory To Spare 100
Michael's Dreamin' 99
Smoke N Magic 98
Michalson 98
Lightning Stormy 103
Stitchntwine 98
Streak 96
Michalson 96
Gato's Pirate 94
Lightning Stormy 95
Michalson 94
Michael's Dreamin' 92
Smoke N Magic 92
Streak 92
Glory To Spare 96
Streak 95
Lightning Stormy 95
Michalson 94
Michael's Dreamin' 92
Streak 89
Stitchntwine 88
Michalson 82
Gato's Pirate 80
Skating Sam 80
Lightning Stormy 86
Smoke N Magic 84
Streak 84
That I Am 80
Dakota Rebel 0
Rocket Rodd 95
Streak 91
Michael's Dreamin' 90
Glory To Spare 88
Dakota Rebel 85