
April 28 , 2007

Fast Track Simulcapping

Ratings and Data

# Program numberLRLast Race speed rating
ML Morning LineB2Avg Best 2 races, last 10
Tr Trainer Win PctTRTurf Rating
Jk Jockey Win Pct (* = jock change)DRDistance Rating
DLR Days since last raceRPRace Pace Avg 2 pacelines
FW Furlongs worked 3 weeksEPEarly Pace Avg 2 pacelines
AER Average Earnings RatioLPLate Pace Avg 2 pacelines
QS Quirin Speed Points (0 to 8)FTSFinal Time Speed Avg 2 pacelines

Contender Algorithm Factors
Speed : FTS, B2, DR or TR, and RTG
Pace : FTS, RP, EP or LP, DR or TR
Class : RP or TR, AER, and ML

Race 1 : [ Clm 25000 ] 7 F. ... on Dirt ... for 4 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 32000

Speed: My Dynomite Prideland The Midnight Skier
Pace: Prideland Letters My Dynomite
Class: My Dynomite Letters Tenthirteen
LongShot: Tenthirteen

Race Par = 91

My Dynomite +- 2 2-1 26 * 20 63 5 100 8 85 98 84 98 100 92 92
Prideland +N 7 3-1 17 18 17 0 39 0 85 94 90 97 92 100 92
The Midnight Skier +- 3 7/2 9 12 22 3 41 5 87 96 0 96 95 96 91
Slick City Nites N 6 12-1 12 * 11 14 4 44 2 77 90 0 96 93 97 90
Tenthirteen +- 5 8-1 13 * 8 71 5 27 0 85 97 86 98 89 100 89
Letters + 1 4-1 15 * 16 14 3 27 0 81 96 0 103 80 107 87
Exploit Lad N 4 20-1 0 * 10 14 0 11 6 75 90 86 96 84 96 80

Top Fives
Letters 103
My Dynomite 98
Tenthirteen 98
Prideland 97
The Midnight Skier 96
My Dynomite 100
The Midnight Skier 95
Slick City Nites 93
Prideland 92
Tenthirteen 89
Letters 107
Tenthirteen 100
Prideland 100
Slick City Nites 97
The Midnight Skier 96
My Dynomite 92
Prideland 92
The Midnight Skier 91
Slick City Nites 90
Tenthirteen 89
My Dynomite 98
Tenthirteen 97
The Midnight Skier 96
Letters 96
Prideland 94
Prideland 90
Exploit Lad 86
Tenthirteen 86
My Dynomite 84
The Midnight Skier 0
Prideland 82
The Midnight Skier 78
My Dynomite 0
Exploit Lad 0
Tenthirteen 0
The Midnight Skier 87
My Dynomite 85
Tenthirteen 85
Prideland 85
Letters 81

Race 2 : [ Md 16000 ] 6 1/2 F. ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 10000

Speed: Dontess Lets Get Going My Rooster
Pace: Dontess Lets Get Going My Boy J J
Class: Dontess Lets Get Going My Rooster
LongShot: My Boy J J

Race Par = 77

Dontess + 5 9/5 12 * 18 16 4 100 5 81 82 71 90 96 82 78
Lets Get Going + 9 3-1 12 11 17 0 94 2 77 80 0 90 90 88 78
My Rooster + 1 2-1 23 11 6 0 76 7 73 78 70 90 92 86 78
Yourturntoyield +- 7 8-1 9 * 12 29 4 46 5 68 77 0 90 88 89 77
My Boy J J 4 12-1 0 5 17 0 65 1 69 72 68 88 80 92 72
Armanni - 6 15-1 0 * 3 63 5 70 4 62 73 0 86 84 86 70
Crazy Vicky 8 50-1 2 * 10 24 4 13 0 62 70 41 86 81 89 70
Honorship 3 50-1 0 * 6 15 4 24 0 60 69 42 82 80 86 66
A Helluva Pitch 2 50-1 0 0 6 3 15 0 0 48 47 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Dontess 90
Yourturntoyield 90
Lets Get Going 90
My Rooster 90
My Boy J J 88
Dontess 96
My Rooster 92
Lets Get Going 90
Yourturntoyield 88
Armanni 84
My Boy J J 92
Yourturntoyield 89
Crazy Vicky 89
Lets Get Going 88
Honorship 86
Dontess 78
Lets Get Going 78
My Rooster 78
Yourturntoyield 77
My Boy J J 72
Dontess 82
Lets Get Going 80
My Rooster 78
Yourturntoyield 77
Armanni 73
Dontess 71
My Rooster 70
My Boy J J 68
A Helluva Pitch 47
Honorship 42
A Helluva Pitch 0
Honorship 0
My Boy J J 0
Dontess 0
Armanni 0
Dontess 81
Lets Get Going 77
My Rooster 73
My Boy J J 69
Yourturntoyield 68

Race 3 : [ Md Sp Wt ] 6 1/2 F. ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 43000

Speed: Validation Bishop's Back Jimmy G
Pace: Bishop's Back Secret Design A Song For You
Class: Validation Jimmy G Bishop's Back

Race Par = 85

Jimmy G +++ 2B 5/2 23 * 14 21 4 100 0 89 86 86 95 88 98 86
Validation + 1A 2-1 26 * 16 7 9 81 0 85 86 0 99 86 100 86
Bishop's Back n 5 4-1 23 11 14 4 54 6 83 83 0 96 95 88 83
A Song For You 4 3-1 28 * 15 36 10 39 4 81 80 0 94 88 92 80
Secret Design - 1 2-1 26 * 20 36 9 75 4 87 78 0 94 92 86 78
Scorpion Prince - 2 5/2 23 * 18 146 9 49 4 72 78 78 94 90 88 78
Knight's Command 6 15-1 19 * 11 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hello Newman 3 8-1 26 * 18 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Validation 99
Bishop's Back 96
Jimmy G 95
Secret Design 94
A Song For You 94
Bishop's Back 95
Secret Design 92
Scorpion Prince 90
A Song For You 88
Jimmy G 88
Validation 100
Jimmy G 98
A Song For You 92
Scorpion Prince 88
Bishop's Back 88
Jimmy G 86
Validation 86
Bishop's Back 83
A Song For You 80
Secret Design 78
Jimmy G 86
Validation 86
Bishop's Back 83
A Song For You 80
Secret Design 78
Jimmy G 86
Scorpion Prince 78
Secret Design 0
A Song For You 0
Bishop's Back 0
Secret Design 0
A Song For You 0
Scorpion Prince 0
Bishop's Back 0
Knight's Command 0
Jimmy G 89
Secret Design 87
Validation 85
Bishop's Back 83
A Song For You 81

Race 4 : [ Md Sp Wt ] Mile 1/16 ... on Turf ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 44000

Speed: Angelouie Joppa Flat's One True Thing
Pace: Angelouie Joppa Flat's Seer
Class: Black Jack Blues Winstrella Angelouie
LongShot: Joppa Flat's

Race Par = 85

Winstrella +- 2B 7/2 28 * 20 35 4 66 6 88 88 0 100 94 94 88
Black Jack Blues + 3 12-1 15 * 18 21 5 67 6 87 92 0 96 88 98 86
Zambezi Warrior + 4 3-1 13 * 15 35 9 27 5 88 86 0 98 98 88 86
Dr. Kinsolving +- 9 6-1 20 * 14 163 12 42 2 84 85 0 98 88 97 85
Angelouie N- 5 5/2 21 * 20 29 5 100 4 85 84 82 94 88 96 84
Joppa Flat's + 10 8-1 13 * 18 29 8 39 2 80 86 82 96 88 96 84
Sleeping Giant 8 10-1 18 18 56 14 30 6 81 82 0 97 85 97 82
Skypa 6 15-1 12 * 9 28 9 23 4 73 80 0 92 86 94 80
Charlie Caliente 11 20-1 10 * 0 21 4 39 0 67 78 66 91 81 97 78
Montauk 12 8-1 24 * 17 17 8 33 0 77 78 0 94 90 88 78
One True Thing - 1 8-1 11 10 59 6 5 0 76 77 75 92 81 96 77
Seer 7 6-1 18 * 17 51 13 5 0 74 74 74 90 80 94 74
Rocket Legs - 2 7/2 28 * 14 258 4 34 0 73 74 72 86 80 94 74
Desert Thunder - 1A 8-1 11 * 16 183 12 0 0 63 64 62 80 80 84 64
Dabbaas 13 15-1 26 * 0 14 8 6 1 59 60 0 76 80 80 60
Any Minute Now 3X 12-1 15 * 11 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Winstrella 100
Dr. Kinsolving 98
Zambezi Warrior 98
Sleeping Giant 97
Black Jack Blues 96
Zambezi Warrior 98
Winstrella 94
Montauk 90
Angelouie 88
Black Jack Blues 88
Black Jack Blues 98
Sleeping Giant 97
Dr. Kinsolving 97
Charlie Caliente 97
Angelouie 96
Winstrella 88
Black Jack Blues 86
Zambezi Warrior 86
Dr. Kinsolving 85
Angelouie 84
Black Jack Blues 92
Winstrella 88
Joppa Flat's 86
Zambezi Warrior 86
Dr. Kinsolving 85
Winstrella 87
Zambezi Warrior 86
Angelouie 84
Joppa Flat's 84
Skypa 80
Angelouie 82
Joppa Flat's 82
One True Thing 75
Seer 74
Rocket Legs 72
Winstrella 88
Zambezi Warrior 88
Black Jack Blues 87
Angelouie 85
Dr. Kinsolving 84

Race 5 : [ OClm 30000n2x ] 7 F. ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 45000

Speed: Rob's Boy Mat Heathrow Seeking The Glory
Pace: Wild Vicar Heathrow Rob's Boy Mat
Class: Grand Refer Seeking The Glory Prince Of Peace
LongShot: D Money Prince Of Peace

Race Par = 91

Rob's Boy Mat + 5 6-1 9 * 11 14 0 28 5 84 94 0 94 100 94 94
Heathrow + 2 5-1 15 * 20 14 0 21 5 89 92 86 99 94 98 92
Grand Refer + 7 2-1 18 18 24 4 100 5 91 92 0 94 96 96 92
Seeking The Glory + 8 7/2 10 * 16 28 4 43 3 93 96 0 96 96 96 92
Seeking The Money N 3 6-1 10 18 35 8 23 0 75 90 0 91 94 96 90
Wild Vicar + 4 15-1 0 * 10 14 0 25 1 90 92 0 100 98 91 89
D Money + 9 10-1 6 9 24 8 34 0 82 91 88 98 82 107 89
Prince Of Peace ++ 1 15-1 9 * 16 78 13 34 3 62 94 91 98 96 90 86
Karakorum Thunder 6 20-1 13 * 17 14 0 32 2 87 86 0 93 85 99 84

Top Fives
Wild Vicar 100
Heathrow 99
D Money 98
Prince Of Peace 98
Seeking The Glory 96
Rob's Boy Mat 100
Wild Vicar 98
Grand Refer 96
Seeking The Glory 96
Prince Of Peace 96
D Money 107
Karakorum Thunder 99
Heathrow 98
Seeking The Money 96
Grand Refer 96
Rob's Boy Mat 94
Heathrow 92
Grand Refer 92
Seeking The Glory 92
Seeking The Money 90
Seeking The Glory 96
Rob's Boy Mat 94
Prince Of Peace 94
Heathrow 92
Wild Vicar 92
Prince Of Peace 91
D Money 88
Heathrow 86
Seeking The Money 0
Wild Vicar 0
Seeking The Glory 85
Wild Vicar 80
Rob's Boy Mat 68
Heathrow 0
Seeking The Money 0
Seeking The Glory 93
Grand Refer 91
Wild Vicar 90
Heathrow 89
Karakorum Thunder 87

Race 6 : [ Alw 45000n1x ] 7 F. ... on Dirt ... for 4 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 45000

Speed: He's A Pioneer Ocean Forest Executive Search
Pace: Grand Champion Mcmagic Executive Search
Class: He's A Pioneer Grand Champion Executive Search
LongShot: Mcmagic Pulpiteer

Race Par = 91

He's A Pioneer +n 3 7/2 18 * 14 31 8 60 3 97 94 89 101 96 98 94
Executive Search + 2 15-1 9 * 8 14 6 83 0 92 92 0 98 92 100 92
Mr. Bourbon Street +- 8 15-1 23 * 13 49 9 75 4 87 92 83 99 98 94 92
Ocean Forest + 9 5-1 15 18 14 0 51 0 90 93 85 96 94 98 92
Grand Champion + 5 8/5 24 * 18 33 15 89 5 88 91 0 100 101 90 91
Mcmagic n 7 8-1 23 * 16 34 8 100 5 90 89 84 98 98 91 89
Pulpiteer + 6 12-1 0 * 10 10 4 77 1 87 92 87 95 99 89 88
Oldschoolhouseroad - 4 8-1 26 * 20 91 9 44 4 85 86 0 100 88 98 86
Rhythmn Master +- 1 20-1 4 * 9 38 8 55 1 82 96 0 92 88 98 86

Top Fives
He's A Pioneer 101
Oldschoolhouseroad 100
Grand Champion 100
Mr. Bourbon Street 99
Executive Search 98
Grand Champion 101
Pulpiteer 99
Mcmagic 98
Mr. Bourbon Street 98
He's A Pioneer 96
Executive Search 100
He's A Pioneer 98
Oldschoolhouseroad 98
Ocean Forest 98
Rhythmn Master 98
He's A Pioneer 94
Executive Search 92
Mr. Bourbon Street 92
Ocean Forest 92
Grand Champion 91
Rhythmn Master 96
He's A Pioneer 94
Ocean Forest 93
Executive Search 92
Pulpiteer 92
He's A Pioneer 89
Pulpiteer 87
Ocean Forest 85
Mcmagic 84
Mr. Bourbon Street 83
Pulpiteer 79
Executive Search 0
He's A Pioneer 0
Oldschoolhouseroad 0
Grand Champion 0
He's A Pioneer 97
Executive Search 92
Mcmagic 90
Ocean Forest 90
Grand Champion 88

Race 7 : [ BeaugayH-G3 ] Mile 1/16 ... on Turf ... for Fillies and Mares 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 100000

Speed: Miss Shop Rahys' Appeal Finlandia
Pace: Miss Shop Finlandia Masseuse
Class: Miss Shop Stormy Kiss Swap Fliparoo
LongShot: Finlandia

Race Par = 95

Miss Shop +N 1 7/2 23 14 48 11 100 0 99 103 94 101 95 103 98
Rahys' Appeal +N 7 5-1 18 * 18 21 0 39 3 87 96 94 96 97 99 96
Finlandia ++- 2 6-1 18 17 189 10 62 6 95 95 95 95 86 109 95
Swap Fliparoo + 1A 7/2 23 * 9 7 10 66 0 93 96 0 104 96 98 94
Masseuse NN- 9 2-1 6 * 20 42 5 27 3 93 94 94 97 90 104 94
A True Pussycat n 3 12-1 18 16 28 4 27 6 92 93 82 98 95 98 93
Stormy Kiss +- 8 8-1 16 * 18 42 9 30 8 90 104 0 103 97 95 92
Artistic Express - 4 15-1 0 15 174 14 27 2 87 89 88 92 92 95 87
Samsincharge + 6 30-1 0 * 16 36 16 17 5 77 98 88 92 94 87 81
Wait It Out - 5 8-1 0 3 133 15 21 2 68 91 91 85 80 100 80

Top Fives
Swap Fliparoo 104
Stormy Kiss 103
Miss Shop 101
A True Pussycat 98
Masseuse 97
Rahys' Appeal 97
Stormy Kiss 97
Swap Fliparoo 96
Miss Shop 95
A True Pussycat 95
Finlandia 109
Masseuse 104
Miss Shop 103
Wait It Out 100
Rahys' Appeal 99
Miss Shop 98
Rahys' Appeal 96
Finlandia 95
Swap Fliparoo 94
Masseuse 94
Stormy Kiss 104
Miss Shop 103
Samsincharge 98
Swap Fliparoo 96
Rahys' Appeal 96
Miss Shop 101
Rahys' Appeal 96
Finlandia 95
Masseuse 94
A True Pussycat 93
Finlandia 95
Miss Shop 94
Rahys' Appeal 94
Masseuse 94
Wait It Out 91
Miss Shop 99
Finlandia 95
Swap Fliparoo 93
Masseuse 93
A True Pussycat 92

Race 8 : [ Withers-G3 ] One Mile ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 150000

Speed: Street Magician Frosty Secret Mint Slewlep
Pace: Frosty Secret Street Magician Our Sacred Honor
Class: Street Magician Frosty Secret C P West
LongShot: Mint Slewlep

Race Par = 91

Street Magician + 4 5/2 28 14 28 9 100 8 91 96 0 100 102 94 96
Frosty Secret + 3 8-1 10 * 15 28 7 28 6 86 92 0 102 99 93 92
Mint Slewlep ++ 5 15-1 16 * 17 22 8 30 5 88 91 91 96 100 91 91
C P West + 2 2-1 12 20 28 8 56 6 86 92 0 96 98 92 90
Brisco N Logan - 6 20-1 7 * 16 28 0 14 4 79 88 88 94 102 86 88
Our Sacred Honor 7 7/2 28 * 18 28 4 35 5 91 88 82 98 96 92 88
Divine Park 1 5-1 26 * 18 21 0 88 5 92 88 0 94 92 96 88

Top Fives
Frosty Secret 102
Street Magician 100
Our Sacred Honor 98
C P West 96
Mint Slewlep 96
Street Magician 102
Brisco N Logan 102
Mint Slewlep 100
Frosty Secret 99
C P West 98
Divine Park 96
Street Magician 94
Frosty Secret 93
C P West 92
Our Sacred Honor 92
Street Magician 96
Frosty Secret 92
Mint Slewlep 91
C P West 90
Brisco N Logan 88
Street Magician 96
C P West 92
Frosty Secret 92
Mint Slewlep 91
Brisco N Logan 88
Mint Slewlep 91
Brisco N Logan 88
Our Sacred Honor 82
C P West 0
Frosty Secret 0
C P West 0
Frosty Secret 0
Street Magician 0
Mint Slewlep 0
Brisco N Logan 0
Divine Park 92
Street Magician 91
Our Sacred Honor 91
Mint Slewlep 88
C P West 86

Race 9 : [ Alw 44000n1x ] One Mile ... on Turf ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 44000

Speed: Bagavond Jacks Express Classic Impact
Pace: Bagavond To The Republic Classic Impact
Class: Mission Approved Bagavond Chernobyl's Hero
LongShot: To The Republic

Race Par = 81

Jacks Express +N 6 8-1 24 * 16 34 12 37 4 57 84 80 84 92 92 84
Takemywife Please +- 5 12-1 14 11 34 4 25 0 82 82 71 91 87 95 82
Mission Approved + 1A 12-1 15 18 14 5 100 2 80 82 0 94 89 93 82
Bagavond ++- 3 3-1 15 12 98 5 30 8 79 85 84 95 94 88 82
Fairway Drive +n- 9 5-1 5 * 18 189 10 29 5 78 81 79 88 90 91 81
Bellbottom Johnny +- 10 12-1 12 * 16 38 8 49 6 66 82 0 86 94 87 81
Classic Impact ++- 1 12-1 15 * 9 136 11 29 4 80 82 81 86 84 96 80
Chernobyl's Hero + 14 5/2 13 * 0 9 4 61 0 74 84 0 89 90 90 80
Bayou Timber 8 8-1 14 * 15 35 9 65 4 78 78 0 87 87 91 78
To The Republic Nn- 13 20-1 6 11 22 0 8 2 75 80 79 90 84 94 78
My Apology - 7 6-1 26 20 273 13 72 6 77 76 75 88 88 88 76
Mr Sam I Am +N- 4 7/2 28 * 18 49 8 34 4 63 82 80 85 84 91 75
Indian Prayer - 2B 50-1 2 0 30 0 1 3 58 75 0 0 0 0 75
Stormy King - 11 30-1 24 * 11 23 0 18 6 61 72 64 84 88 83 71
Big Bad Monster 12 30-1 5 8 14 0 12 2 61 73 0 82 93 77 70
Easter Guardian - 2 50-1 2 0 51 4 2 3 0 74 74 78 80 82 62

Top Fives
Bagavond 95
Mission Approved 94
Takemywife Please 91
To The Republic 90
Chernobyl's Hero 89
Bellbottom Johnny 94
Bagavond 94
Big Bad Monster 93
Jacks Express 92
Fairway Drive 90
Classic Impact 96
Takemywife Please 95
To The Republic 94
Mission Approved 93
Jacks Express 92
Jacks Express 84
Takemywife Please 82
Mission Approved 82
Bagavond 82
Fairway Drive 81
Bagavond 85
Jacks Express 84
Chernobyl's Hero 84
Mr Sam I Am 82
Takemywife Please 82
Bagavond 81
Bellbottom Johnny 80
To The Republic 80
Chernobyl's Hero 80
Mission Approved 79
Bagavond 84
Classic Impact 81
Mr Sam I Am 80
Jacks Express 80
Fairway Drive 79
Takemywife Please 82
Classic Impact 80
Mission Approved 80
Bagavond 79
Bayou Timber 78