
September 10 , 2008

Fast Track Simulcapping

Ratings and Data

* Jockey* = change
# Program numberLRLast Race speed rating
ML Morning LineB2Avg Best 2 races, last 10
Tr Trainer Win PctTRTurf Rating
DRDistance Rating
DLR Days since last raceRPRace Pace Avg 2 pacelines
FW Furlongs worked 3 weeksEPEarly Pace Avg 2 pacelines
AER Average Earnings RatioLPLate Pace Avg 2 pacelines
QS Quirin Speed Points (0 to 8)FTSFinal Time Speed Avg 2 pacelines

Contender Algorithm Factors
Speed : FTS, B2, DR or TR, and RTG
Pace : FTS, RP, EP or LP, DR or TR
Class : RP or TR, AER, and ML

Race 1 : [ Clm 15000n2l ] One Mile ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 23000

Speed: Tough Jake Up The Limit Fly The North Wind
Pace: Tough Jake Up The Limit Pay What You Owe
Class: Tough Jake Up The Limit Fly The North Wind
LongShot: Precisely Greg

Race Par = 81

7 Tough Jake Desormeaux* 17 Bush Thoma 14 +- 5-1 26 0 100 7 80 89 73 0 98 91 94 85
3 Up The Limit Castellano* 16 Brown Chad 20 + 5-1 28 8 66 6 76 87 0 81 94 92 90 82
2 Precisely Greg Sanchez Je* 9 Schettino 5 N 8-1 5 10 45 5 83 80 71 0 90 93 86 79
6 Pay What You Owe Velasquez 13 Hennig Mar 14 + 5/2 16 0 80 4 82 83 73 80 91 84 95 79
4 Fly The North Wind Morales Sa* 11 Ferraro Ja 5 ++- 3-1 35 4 82 1 71 86 83 66 93 96 81 77
1 Masala T Chavez J F* 12 Jacobson D 19 - 5-1 72 3 56 3 64 76 75 61 89 94 82 76
8 Lava Cat Espinoza J* 9 Arroyo Enr 18 n- 15-1 46 6 58 6 78 79 64 76 91 82 93 75
5 Alberti Arboleda A* 7 Correa Jef 0 +n- 30-1 73 4 41 0 42 82 78 0 89 80 93 73

Top Fives
Tough Jake 98
Up The Limit 94
Fly The North Wind 93
Pay What You Owe 91
Lava Cat 91
Fly The North Wind 96
Masala T 94
Precisely Greg 93
Up The Limit 92
Tough Jake 91
Pay What You Owe 95
Tough Jake 94
Alberti 93
Lava Cat 93
Up The Limit 90
Tough Jake 85
Up The Limit 82
Precisely Greg 79
Pay What You Owe 79
Fly The North Wind 77
Tough Jake 89
Up The Limit 87
Fly The North Wind 86
Pay What You Owe 83
Alberti 82
Fly The North Wind 83
Alberti 78
Masala T 75
Pay What You Owe 73
Tough Jake 73
Up The Limit 81
Pay What You Owe 80
Lava Cat 76
Fly The North Wind 66
Masala T 61
Precisely Greg 83
Pay What You Owe 82
Tough Jake 80
Lava Cat 78
Up The Limit 76

Race 2 : [ Md Sp Wt ] 6 Fs. ... on Dirt ... for Fillies 2 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 52000

Speed: Selective True Bliss Spell Check
Pace: Selective True Bliss Spell Check
Class: Selective True Bliss Spell Check
LongShot: Spell Check

Race Par = 84

2 Selective Bridgmohan 18 Asmussen S 21 + 2-1 27 15 100 6 95 95 0 0 100 102 93 95
9 True Bliss Desormeaux* 17 Kimmel Joh 14 + 5-1 30 8 49 2 88 85 0 0 96 93 92 85
8 Spell Check Migliore R 11 Violette R 16 6-1 34 9 1 0 77 77 0 0 93 83 94 77
3 Magical Feeling Velazquez * 19 Levine Bru 27 15-1 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Castanet Prado E S * 17 Mcgaughey 19 12-1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Seeking Luck Coa E M * 18 Tagg Barcl 18 6-1 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Reforestation Hill C * 12 Turner Wil 11 12-1 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Curry Cat Maragh Raj* 16 Mclaughlin 24 10-1 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Real Moon Luzzi M J * 11 Miceli Mic 7 30-1 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 West Court Garcia A * 18 Clement Ch 20 6-1 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Selective 100
True Bliss 96
Spell Check 93
Magical Feeling 0
Castanet 0
Selective 102
True Bliss 93
Spell Check 83
Magical Feeling 0
Castanet 0
Spell Check 94
Selective 93
True Bliss 92
Magical Feeling 0
Castanet 0
Selective 95
True Bliss 85
Spell Check 77
Magical Feeling 0
Castanet 0
Selective 95
True Bliss 85
Spell Check 77
Magical Feeling 0
Castanet 0
Selective 0
Magical Feeling 0
Castanet 0
Seeking Luck 0
Reforestation 0
Selective 0
Magical Feeling 0
Castanet 0
Seeking Luck 0
Reforestation 0
Selective 95
True Bliss 88
Spell Check 77
Magical Feeling 0
Castanet 0

Race 3 : [ Md Sp Wt ] 6 Fs. ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 52000

Speed: Immortal Eyes Captivating Cat Darkside Holiday
Pace: Captivating Cat Immortal Eyes Darkside Holiday
Class: Immortal Eyes Captivating Cat Darkside Holiday
LongShot: Darkside Holiday

Race Par = 91

5 Immortal Eyes Maragh Raj* 16 Penna Ange 21 ++- 4-1 305 12 86 6 92 99 94 0 101 98 96 94
1 Captivating Cat Bridgmohan 18 Mott Willi 14 ++ 3-1 32 4 100 5 93 92 91 0 101 102 90 92
6 Darkside Holiday Garcia A * 18 Mclaughlin 24 NN 6-1 32 12 85 3 93 90 90 0 100 96 94 90
8 Eon Nakatani C* 11 Zito Nicho 21 n- 12-1 109 0 6 1 64 89 0 0 101 94 95 89
2 Rapid Mon Desormeaux* 17 Kimmel Joh 14 - 6-1 250 13 36 6 92 88 88 0 96 95 93 88
7 Wolgan Valley Migliore R 11 *suroor Sa 21 12-1 32 8 14 1 82 82 80 0 98 95 87 82
3 Deputy Inspector Sanchez Je* 9 Iadisernia 7 20-1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Formidable Velasquez * 13 Jerkens H 13 5/2 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Immortal Eyes 101
Eon 101
Captivating Cat 101
Darkside Holiday 100
Wolgan Valley 98
Captivating Cat 102
Immortal Eyes 98
Darkside Holiday 96
Rapid Mon 95
Wolgan Valley 95
Immortal Eyes 96
Eon 95
Darkside Holiday 94
Rapid Mon 93
Captivating Cat 90
Immortal Eyes 94
Captivating Cat 92
Darkside Holiday 90
Eon 89
Rapid Mon 88
Immortal Eyes 99
Captivating Cat 92
Darkside Holiday 90
Eon 89
Rapid Mon 88
Immortal Eyes 94
Captivating Cat 91
Darkside Holiday 90
Rapid Mon 88
Wolgan Valley 80
Rapid Mon 0
Deputy Inspector 0
Formidable 0
Immortal Eyes 0
Darkside Holiday 0
Darkside Holiday 93
Captivating Cat 93
Rapid Mon 92
Immortal Eyes 92
Wolgan Valley 82

Race 4 : [ Md 25000 ] 6 Fs. ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 22000

Speed: Rock Key Five Cases Fort Mccoy
Pace: Rock Key Fort Mccoy Valid Threat
Class: Rock Key Fort Mccoy Five Cases
LongShot: Valid Threat

Race Par = 81

2 Rock Key Castellano* 16 Hertler Jo 6 ++ 4-1 19 0 84 2 82 84 83 72 98 90 94 84
5 Fort Mccoy Velasquez 13 Rice Linda 19 + 3-1 23 8 100 3 83 82 0 81 94 90 92 82
7 Western Call Morales Sa 11 Hough Stan 17 ++ 7/2 67 13 87 3 78 82 82 74 89 88 90 78
3 Valid Threat Berrios Cr* 2 Wickline T 0 ++ 12-1 36 8 68 6 77 84 80 0 90 88 88 76
8 Wanna Winna Luzzi M J * 11 Lafavers L 7 ++ 6-1 67 9 71 2 73 82 81 0 88 89 87 76
1 Kid Doc Chavez J F* 12 O'brien Co 0 + 30-1 5 4 55 2 36 83 72 83 92 82 94 76
12 Five Cases Cardoso Da 8 Gyarmati L 5 +n 20-1 19 4 57 2 76 87 78 0 91 90 85 75
13 Odor Free Richards G* 0 Parker Jos 6 - 50-1 137 0 9 1 75 73 73 0 89 81 92 73
11 Sacred City Hill C * 12 Grennan Ge 7 20-1 5 0 37 0 74 78 0 78 87 80 91 71
4 Mr. Destiny Bermudez J 1 Gullo Gary 11 + 15-1 67 10 81 5 42 84 58 0 85 90 79 69
6 Annies Wheel Sanchez Je* 9 Ferraro Ja 5 - 20-1 306 9 39 0 57 61 61 0 77 80 81 61
9 Will He Call Rodriguez * 6 Contessa G 13 15-1 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Icy Field Arboleda A* 7 Maver Edua 0 30-1 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Rock Key 98
Fort Mccoy 94
Kid Doc 92
Five Cases 91
Valid Threat 90
Rock Key 90
Mr. Destiny 90
Fort Mccoy 90
Five Cases 90
Wanna Winna 89
Rock Key 94
Kid Doc 94
Fort Mccoy 92
Odor Free 92
Sacred City 91
Rock Key 84
Fort Mccoy 82
Western Call 78
Valid Threat 76
Wanna Winna 76
Five Cases 87
Rock Key 84
Valid Threat 84
Mr. Destiny 84
Kid Doc 83
Rock Key 83
Western Call 82
Wanna Winna 81
Valid Threat 80
Five Cases 78
Kid Doc 83
Fort Mccoy 81
Sacred City 78
Western Call 74
Rock Key 72
Fort Mccoy 83
Rock Key 82
Western Call 78
Valid Threat 77
Five Cases 76

Race 5 : [ Alw 50000n1x ] Mile 1/16 ... on Turf ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 50000

Speed: Tobruk Gold Pageantry Beneath The Crown
Pace: Tobruk Triple Bogey Blues Gold Pageantry
Class: Halation Beneath The Crown Gold Pageantry
LongShot: Gold Pageantry

Race Par = 87

2 Tobruk Garcia A * 18 Hernandez 8 ++ 9/2 18 0 53 5 86 88 88 88 92 86 102 88
5 Beneath The Crown Velazquez * 19 Voss Thoma 21 +N 4-1 18 4 48 5 87 88 85 88 96 90 98 88
4 Gold Pageantry Coa E M * 18 Tesher How 3 ++ 12-1 18 0 41 1 86 90 90 90 94 90 96 86
8 Triple Bogey Blues Luzzi M J 11 Mclaughlin 24 ++ 10-1 18 0 41 0 85 88 88 88 94 86 100 86
3 Cardinal Hill Prado E S 17 Shuman Mar 17 - 3-1 30 0 79 7 76 84 78 80 88 82 102 84
1 Kettle Two Hill C * 12 Baker Char 22 nn 6-1 30 4 48 3 67 87 85 85 92 84 100 84
9 Halation Rodriguez 6 Prine Davi 11 - 20-1 26 0 42 6 80 90 0 84 98 86 97 83
7 Dubliner Desormeaux 17 Donk David 15 - 8-1 30 3 62 3 69 84 84 84 92 82 100 82
11 Express To Thewest Rodriguez 6 Schwartz S 11 12-1 35 8 42 2 83 90 81 83 90 80 101 81
12 Sammy's Toy Sanchez Je* 9 Ritvo Timo 11 +N 15-1 14 4 33 4 79 88 85 88 94 86 95 81
10 Dos Hombres Espinoza J* 9 Schettino 5 - 12-1 25 3 47 3 71 84 80 80 90 84 96 80
6 Special Tesoro Velasquez * 13 Arroyo Enr 18 15-1 30 4 28 6 19 79 76 76 82 80 94 74
13 Theartofcompromise Garcia A 18 Serpe Phil 14 10-1 34 4 100 4 40 78 72 73 88 90 84 74

Top Fives
Halation 98
Beneath The Crown 96
Gold Pageantry 94
Triple Bogey Blues 94
Sammy's Toy 94
Gold Pageantry 90
Beneath The Crown 90
Theartofcompromise 90
Tobruk 86
Triple Bogey Blues 86
Tobruk 102
Cardinal Hill 102
Express To Thewest 101
Dubliner 100
Triple Bogey Blues 100
Tobruk 88
Beneath The Crown 88
Gold Pageantry 86
Triple Bogey Blues 86
Cardinal Hill 84
Gold Pageantry 90
Halation 90
Express To Thewest 90
Tobruk 88
Beneath The Crown 88
Gold Pageantry 90
Tobruk 88
Triple Bogey Blues 88
Beneath The Crown 85
Sammy's Toy 85
Gold Pageantry 90
Tobruk 88
Beneath The Crown 88
Triple Bogey Blues 88
Sammy's Toy 88
Beneath The Crown 87
Tobruk 86
Gold Pageantry 86
Triple Bogey Blues 85
Express To Thewest 83

Race 6 : [ Md Sp Wt ] 6 Fs. ... on Turf ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 46000

Speed: Dr. Decter Tee With The Tiger Bullstar
Pace: Tee With The Tiger Sir Dunstan Bullstar
Class: Dr. Decter Bullstar Tee With The Tiger
LongShot: Tee With The Tiger

Race Par = 85

8 Tee With The Tiger Samyn J L 8 Carroll De 3 + 12-1 23 3 28 0 85 86 78 86 96 84 102 86
11 Dr. Decter Coa E M 18 Tagg Barcl 18 + 5/2 23 8 100 1 86 86 0 86 96 95 91 86
10 Bullstar Garcia A 18 Toner Jame 8 + 7/2 39 9 100 1 85 85 0 85 96 86 99 85
14 Pegasian Prado E S 17 Serpe Phil 14 3-1 20 6 62 2 93 84 0 72 92 88 96 84
1 I'm Entitled Maragh Raj 16 Levine Bru 27 + 4-1 23 4 77 4 87 82 0 87 94 90 92 82
9 Above All Odds Chavez J F 12 Jerkens H 13 12-1 20 3 49 0 84 82 0 58 94 84 98 82
3 Sir Dunstan Morales Sa 11 Hertler Jo 6 + 10-1 23 0 32 0 86 84 0 86 92 84 98 82
2B City Sneakers Velasquez 13 Rice Linda 19 - 8-1 77 4 14 4 84 81 81 81 93 86 95 81
7 Grantor Hill C 12 Hushion Mi 25 - 15-1 60 5 3 0 70 80 76 80 96 81 99 80
12 Fra Lippo Garcia A 18 Clement Ch 20 6-1 18 0 71 0 84 80 0 80 92 91 89 80
6 Gimmee Getme Sanchez Je 9 Martin Fra 7 30-1 35 7 27 3 78 80 0 0 94 83 95 78
2 Its Goodtobeking Luzzi M J * 11 Rice Linda 19 8-1 44 4 9 6 78 75 0 0 91 91 84 75
13 Portable Alpha Coa E M 18 Violette R 16 - 5-1 53 4 41 6 76 74 0 0 88 88 86 74
1A Stoliatsiros No Rider * 0 Levine Bru 27 - 4-1 39 0 9 4 72 70 0 72 86 80 90 70
4 Brother Of Gold Rodriguez * 6 Contessa G 13 20-1 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Western Kaz Castellano* 16 Bazeos Pet 14 20-1 47 3 0 6 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Grantor 96
Tee With The Tiger 96
Bullstar 96
Dr. Decter 96
Gimmee Getme 94
Dr. Decter 95
Its Goodtobeking 91
Fra Lippo 91
I'm Entitled 90
Portable Alpha 88
Tee With The Tiger 102
Grantor 99
Bullstar 99
Above All Odds 98
Sir Dunstan 98
Tee With The Tiger 86
Dr. Decter 86
Bullstar 85
Pegasian 84
I'm Entitled 82
Tee With The Tiger 86
Dr. Decter 86
Bullstar 85
Pegasian 84
Sir Dunstan 84
City Sneakers 81
Tee With The Tiger 78
Grantor 76
Brother Of Gold 0
Western Kaz 0
I'm Entitled 87
Tee With The Tiger 86
Dr. Decter 86
Sir Dunstan 86
Bullstar 85
Pegasian 93
I'm Entitled 87
Dr. Decter 86
Sir Dunstan 86
Tee With The Tiger 85

Race 7 : [ OClm 75000n3x ] 7 F. ... on Turf ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 59000

Speed: Rallying Cry Prince Rahy Quietly Mine
Pace: Prince Rahy Quietly Mine Perfect Casting
Class: Quietly Mine Rallying Cry Perfect Casting
LongShot: Out Of Gwedda

Race Par = 97

7 Rallying Cry Desormeaux 17 *suroor Sa 21 + 3-1 9 4 58 3 100 99 0 100 105 100 99 99
8 Prince Rahy Castellano 16 Alexander 14 + 8-1 38 15 58 1 88 100 0 100 98 90 108 98
10 Hollywood Left Morales Sa* 11 Reynolds P 16 N 12-1 30 7 33 6 98 98 0 96 98 90 106 96
1A Quietly Mine Garcia A * 18 Clement Ch 20 ++- 4-1 80 8 100 0 94 100 99 100 102 92 104 96
2 Trimaran Prado E S 17 Frankel Ro 18 NN 7/2 54 15 84 0 98 96 96 96 100 92 104 96
1 Perfect Casting Maragh Raj* 16 Clement Ch 20 ++- 4-1 76 8 62 0 95 98 98 98 100 92 103 95
3X Museeb Migliore R* 11 Mclaughlin 24 N 12-1 31 8 47 4 89 98 93 96 98 94 100 94
9 Private Scandal Dominguez * 24 Kappel Pet 75 - 15-1 117 10 60 1 30 95 0 94 97 94 99 93
6 Out Of Gwedda Hill C * 12 Badgett Wi 13 nn 8-1 28 9 36 6 89 98 96 95 98 98 92 90
3 Makaan Velasquez * 13 Mclaughlin 24 - 12-1 69 8 38 1 78 90 0 90 92 86 104 90
5 I'm Only Laughing Coa E M * 18 Hills Timo 13 10-1 60 9 45 1 84 94 0 94 96 86 102 88
4 Unbridled Danger Chavez J F* 12 Young Robe 8 - 30-1 26 0 20 3 86 91 0 0 94 90 94 84
2B Joe Bravo Velazquez * 19 Frankel Ro 18 7/2 206 14 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Rallying Cry 105
Quietly Mine 102
Perfect Casting 100
Trimaran 100
Out Of Gwedda 98
Rallying Cry 100
Out Of Gwedda 98
Private Scandal 94
Museeb 94
Perfect Casting 92
Prince Rahy 108
Hollywood Left 106
Quietly Mine 104
Trimaran 104
Makaan 104
Rallying Cry 99
Prince Rahy 98
Hollywood Left 96
Quietly Mine 96
Trimaran 96
Prince Rahy 100
Quietly Mine 100
Rallying Cry 99
Out Of Gwedda 98
Perfect Casting 98
Quietly Mine 99
Perfect Casting 98
Out Of Gwedda 96
Trimaran 96
Museeb 93
Rallying Cry 100
Prince Rahy 100
Quietly Mine 100
Perfect Casting 98
Hollywood Left 96
Rallying Cry 100
Hollywood Left 98
Trimaran 98
Perfect Casting 95
Quietly Mine 94

Race 8 : [ Clm 35000n2l ] 6 Fs. ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 33000

Speed: Papa Jerry At Attention Phobia
Pace: Papa Jerry Phobia Charing Cross
Class: Papa Jerry At Attention Phobia
LongShot: Charing Cross

Race Par = 89

10 At Attention Coa E M * 18 Brown Bruc 23 ++ 9/2 26 5 100 3 90 91 88 90 98 95 95 90
1 Papa Jerry Migliore R* 11 Gullo Gary 11 ++- 5-1 27 0 59 0 96 96 91 0 100 98 92 90
6 Charing Cross Garcia A 18 Gyarmati L 5 ++- 15-1 27 0 55 7 88 90 90 0 98 94 95 89
8 Estimator Velasquez 13 Hernandez 8 ++ 8-1 26 9 43 3 88 90 90 0 97 94 95 89
4 Bobcat Brody Luzzi M J * 11 Galluscio 13 Nn 15-1 26 4 92 0 89 88 86 0 96 92 96 88
5 Phobia Rodriguez * 6 Contessa G 13 + 8-1 27 7 90 5 95 92 85 78 96 98 90 88
7 Valiant Humor Maragh Raj 16 Diprima Gr 19 NN 5/2 42 7 62 6 91 88 88 0 96 94 94 88
11 Tomlinson Hill Velazquez 19 Schosberg 11 +N 12-1 21 4 48 5 84 92 87 0 94 98 88 86
3 Catch Up Chris Hill C * 12 Schettino 5 N 15-1 16 4 54 5 86 88 71 84 94 91 93 84
2 Moneymoneymoney Maragh Ton 12 Lerman Mic 17 Nn 12-1 42 6 27 2 78 88 86 82 92 94 87 81
9 Artytheonemanparty Castellano* 16 Violette R 16 N- 15-1 39 3 41 5 81 88 78 0 92 94 84 78

Top Fives
Papa Jerry 100
Charing Cross 98
At Attention 98
Estimator 97
Bobcat Brody 96
Phobia 98
Tomlinson Hill 98
Papa Jerry 98
At Attention 95
Moneymoneymoney 94
Bobcat Brody 96
Charing Cross 95
Estimator 95
At Attention 95
Valiant Humor 94
At Attention 90
Papa Jerry 90
Charing Cross 89
Estimator 89
Bobcat Brody 88
Papa Jerry 96
Phobia 92
Tomlinson Hill 92
At Attention 91
Charing Cross 90
Papa Jerry 91
Charing Cross 90
Estimator 90
Valiant Humor 88
At Attention 88
At Attention 90
Catch Up Chris 84
Moneymoneymoney 82
Phobia 78
Bobcat Brody 0
Papa Jerry 96
Phobia 95
Valiant Humor 91
At Attention 90
Bobcat Brody 89

Race 9 : [ Md Sp Wt ] One Mile ... on Turf ... for Fillies 2 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 53000

Speed: Concorde's Dance Eleni's Hope Fast Tigress
Pace: Concorde's Dance Eleni's Hope Outstanding Henny
Class: Concorde's Dance Eleni's Hope State Treasure
LongShot: Eleni's Hope

Race Par = 85

11 Concorde's Dance Castellano* 16 Hough Stan 17 + 3-1 19 4 81 4 91 87 0 91 95 92 95 87
5 Eleni's Hope Luzzi M J * 11 Aquilino J 4 + 30-1 12 4 5 4 86 86 0 86 102 90 96 86
10 Siren Serenade Nakatani C* 11 Mcgaughey 19 - 10-1 48 4 30 1 85 83 0 0 98 89 94 83
4 Fast Tigress Migliore R 11 Kimmel Joh 14 12-1 21 4 15 5 81 82 0 81 94 91 91 82
15 State Treasure Prado E S 17 Howard Nei 7 4-1 24 11 100 6 84 82 0 0 94 94 88 82
3 Freedom Rings Velasquez 13 Donk David 15 6-1 34 7 92 0 75 75 0 75 86 84 91 75
13 Stone Legacy Chavez J F 12 Lukas D Wa 12 20-1 44 4 3 1 71 71 0 71 87 80 91 71
14 War Echo Bridgmohan 18 Asmussen S 21 10-1 45 10 5 6 70 69 0 0 85 82 87 69
9 Outstanding Henny Sanchez Je* 9 Ritvo Timo 11 + 12-1 16 5 70 4 85 68 0 85 84 84 84 68
2 Gozzip Girl Coa E M * 18 Albertrani 12 15-1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Carioca Prado E S 17 Benzel Set 13 15-1 28 4 30 1 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Pull Dancer Hill C * 12 Mclaughlin 24 15-1 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Selene's Delight Garcia A * 18 Tagg Barcl 18 8-1 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Flying Spur Maragh Raj* 16 Mott Willi 14 12-1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Venatrix Velazquez * 19 Pletcher T 20 7/2 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Eleni's Hope 102
Siren Serenade 98
Concorde's Dance 95
Fast Tigress 94
State Treasure 94
State Treasure 94
Concorde's Dance 92
Fast Tigress 91
Eleni's Hope 90
Siren Serenade 89
Eleni's Hope 96
Concorde's Dance 95
Siren Serenade 94
Freedom Rings 91
Fast Tigress 91
Concorde's Dance 87
Eleni's Hope 86
Siren Serenade 83
Fast Tigress 82
State Treasure 82
Concorde's Dance 87
Eleni's Hope 86
Siren Serenade 83
Fast Tigress 82
State Treasure 82
Gozzip Girl 0
Freedom Rings 0
Fast Tigress 0
Eleni's Hope 0
Carioca 0
Concorde's Dance 91
Eleni's Hope 86
Outstanding Henny 85
Fast Tigress 81
Freedom Rings 75
Concorde's Dance 91
Eleni's Hope 86
Outstanding Henny 85
Siren Serenade 85
State Treasure 84