
October 19 , 2008

Fast Track Simulcapping

Ratings and Data

* Jockey* = change
# Program numberLRLast Race speed rating
ML Morning LineB2Avg Best 2 races, last 10
Tr Trainer Win PctTRTurf Rating
DRDistance Rating
DLR Days since last raceRPRace Pace Avg 2 pacelines
FW Furlongs worked 3 weeksEPEarly Pace Avg 2 pacelines
AER Average Earnings RatioLPLate Pace Avg 2 pacelines
QS Quirin Speed Points (0 to 8)FTSFinal Time Speed Avg 2 pacelines

Contender Algorithm Factors
Speed : FTS, B2, DR or TR, and RTG
Pace : FTS, RP, EP or LP, DR or TR
Class : RP or TR, AER, and ML

Race 1 : [ OClm 25000n2x ] Mile 1/16 ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 52000

Speed: Building New Era Success Fee Ruffino
Pace: Ruffino Building New Era Success Fee
Class: Building New Era Ruffino Success Fee
LongShot: Oedipus O'neal Stopbluffing

Race Par = 90

8 Building New Era Prado E S * 18 Schosberg 11 ++ 7/2 38 8 77 6 92 96 96 0 100 99 93 92
2 Success Fee Coa E M 18 Hennig Mar 15 ++ 5/2 31 12 89 5 88 93 90 0 97 97 94 91
7 Ruffino Maragh Raj* 15 Bond Harol 14 ++ 3-1 24 0 100 7 89 92 92 0 99 102 88 90
4 Oedipus O'neal Sanchez Je* 9 Contessa G 13 ++ 6-1 19 4 74 4 80 96 96 74 94 97 87 84
1A Express To Thewest Garcia A * 18 Schwartz S 11 n 15-1 22 4 44 2 78 88 78 82 90 81 101 82
6 Stopbluffing Luzzi M J 10 Carroll De 5 ++ 12-1 18 3 21 4 83 91 91 0 97 96 85 81
3 Couth Migliore R* 11 Jacobson D 18 + 15-1 18 0 33 3 79 90 76 90 96 88 92 80
1 Judge William Santiago V* 9 Schwartz S 11 ++ 15-1 99 14 74 1 29 92 92 88 92 84 96 80
5 Atlas Mountain Velasquez * 13 Bush Thoma 13 ++ 10-1 42 5 68 5 77 90 90 0 92 88 90 78

Top Fives
Building New Era 100
Ruffino 99
Success Fee 97
Stopbluffing 97
Couth 96
Ruffino 102
Building New Era 99
Success Fee 97
Oedipus O'neal 97
Stopbluffing 96
Express To Thewest 101
Judge William 96
Success Fee 94
Building New Era 93
Couth 92
Building New Era 92
Success Fee 91
Ruffino 90
Oedipus O'neal 84
Express To Thewest 82
Oedipus O'neal 96
Building New Era 96
Success Fee 93
Ruffino 92
Judge William 92
Oedipus O'neal 96
Building New Era 96
Ruffino 92
Judge William 92
Stopbluffing 91
Couth 90
Judge William 88
Express To Thewest 82
Oedipus O'neal 74
Success Fee 0
Building New Era 92
Ruffino 89
Success Fee 88
Stopbluffing 83
Oedipus O'neal 80

Race 2 : [ Md Sp Wt ] Mile 1/8 ... on Turf ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 53000

Speed: Uncle Indy Solitaire Offshore
Pace: Uncle Indy Solitaire Royal Lord
Class: Solitaire Uncle Indy Offshore
LongShot: Royal Lord

Race Par = 90

5 Solitaire Coa E M * 18 Bond Harol 14 8/5 23 0 100 3 92 95 75 85 96 86 109 95
6 Uncle Indy Maragh Raj 15 Penna Ange 20 ++ 4-1 57 9 8 1 96 93 91 91 97 82 109 91
3 Offshore Velasquez * 13 Mcgaughey 20 3-1 15 4 14 0 82 86 86 86 98 88 98 86
7 Upper Gulch Samyn J L 7 Kelly Patr 6 5-1 11 7 14 0 84 86 86 86 92 81 105 86
8 Royal Lord Garcia A * 18 Quick Patr 3 10-1 15 3 9 2 77 86 86 86 94 80 102 82
1 Heart Of The Storm Hill C * 11 Peitz Dan 9 20-1 23 0 6 3 80 79 0 80 93 88 91 79
1A Turaath No Rider * 0 Peitz Dan 9 20-1 38 10 5 3 88 79 0 72 94 91 88 79
2 Golden Fusaichi Bocachica * 16 Gray Denni 0 30-1 6 0 2 8 64 79 0 72 87 82 89 71
4 Champion Charlie Morales Sa* 11 Henriques 3 30-1 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Offshore 98
Uncle Indy 97
Solitaire 96
Royal Lord 94
Turaath 94
Turaath 91
Offshore 88
Heart Of The Storm 88
Solitaire 86
Uncle Indy 82
Solitaire 109
Uncle Indy 109
Upper Gulch 105
Royal Lord 102
Offshore 98
Solitaire 95
Uncle Indy 91
Offshore 86
Upper Gulch 86
Royal Lord 82
Solitaire 95
Uncle Indy 93
Offshore 86
Upper Gulch 86
Royal Lord 86
Uncle Indy 91
Offshore 86
Upper Gulch 86
Royal Lord 86
Solitaire 75
Uncle Indy 91
Offshore 86
Upper Gulch 86
Royal Lord 86
Solitaire 85
Uncle Indy 96
Solitaire 92
Turaath 88
Upper Gulch 84
Offshore 82

Race 3 : [ Alw 55000n2l ] 6 1/2 F. ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 55000

Speed: Tight Grip Pewter Sargent Seattle
Pace: Tight Grip Sargent Seattle Mucho Macho
Class: Tight Grip Sargent Seattle Mucho Macho
LongShot: Sargent Seattle Pewter

Race Par = 92

5 Tight Grip Coa E M * 18 Brown Chad 21 ++- 5/2 379 10 100 1 86 96 92 82 102 103 92 95
3 Pewter Maragh Raj 15 Bond Harol 14 +- 12-1 64 4 41 5 92 93 0 76 99 97 96 93
1A Twenty Eight Hours Hill C 11 Hough Stan 16 N 6-1 15 4 60 1 77 91 0 0 91 96 95 91
6 Wolgan Valley Prado E S * 18 *suroor Sa 28 9/2 28 8 55 2 91 89 0 0 99 94 95 89
2 Mucho Macho Migliore R* 11 Jerkens Ja 19 + 2-1 35 8 84 3 88 92 87 0 100 96 92 88
1 Sargent Seattle Luzzi M J * 10 Hough Stan 16 + 6-1 15 4 42 5 90 98 0 0 99 94 93 87
4 Wantan Garcia A * 79 Mclaughlin 0 5-1 169 7 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Tight Grip 102
Mucho Macho 100
Pewter 99
Wolgan Valley 99
Sargent Seattle 99
Tight Grip 103
Pewter 97
Mucho Macho 96
Twenty Eight Hours 96
Wolgan Valley 94
Pewter 96
Twenty Eight Hours 95
Wolgan Valley 95
Sargent Seattle 93
Mucho Macho 92
Tight Grip 95
Pewter 93
Twenty Eight Hours 91
Wolgan Valley 89
Mucho Macho 88
Sargent Seattle 98
Tight Grip 96
Pewter 93
Mucho Macho 92
Twenty Eight Hours 91
Tight Grip 92
Mucho Macho 87
Pewter 0
Wantan 0
Twenty Eight Hours 0
Tight Grip 82
Pewter 76
Mucho Macho 0
Wantan 0
Twenty Eight Hours 0
Pewter 92
Wolgan Valley 91
Sargent Seattle 90
Mucho Macho 88
Tight Grip 86

Race 4 : [ Md Sp Wt ] One Mile ... on Dirt ... for 2 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 53000

Speed: Nowhere To Hide Retriever Proud Ruler
Pace: Nowhere To Hide Retriever Proud Ruler
Class: Nowhere To Hide Proud Ruler Retriever
LongShot: Proud Ruler

Race Par = 84

8 Nowhere To Hide Coa E M * 18 Zito Nicho 21 +N 8/5 22 0 100 3 84 89 82 0 98 96 93 89
3 Retriever Velasquez * 13 Badgett Wi 14 +N 4-1 22 6 34 8 84 85 82 0 94 96 89 85
5 Proud Ruler Maragh Raj 15 Mott Willi 15 + 8-1 36 13 18 2 81 84 0 0 97 90 94 84
4 Conservative Prado E S 18 Mcgaughey 20 5-1 44 8 17 1 80 80 0 0 96 87 93 80
7 Right Of Way Espinoza J* 8 Callejas B 15 12-1 24 5 44 0 81 79 0 79 90 82 97 79
2 Weekend Action Migliore R* 11 Campo John 4 12-1 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Well Positioned Garcia A * 18 Reynolds P 16 10-1 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Idol Maker Sanchez Je* 9 Pletcher T 19 8-1 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Nowhere To Hide 98
Proud Ruler 97
Conservative 96
Retriever 94
Right Of Way 90
Retriever 96
Nowhere To Hide 96
Proud Ruler 90
Conservative 87
Right Of Way 82
Right Of Way 97
Proud Ruler 94
Conservative 93
Nowhere To Hide 93
Retriever 89
Nowhere To Hide 89
Retriever 85
Proud Ruler 84
Conservative 80
Right Of Way 79
Nowhere To Hide 89
Retriever 85
Proud Ruler 84
Conservative 80
Right Of Way 79
Retriever 82
Nowhere To Hide 82
Weekend Action 0
Conservative 0
Proud Ruler 0
Right Of Way 79
Weekend Action 0
Retriever 0
Conservative 0
Proud Ruler 0
Retriever 84
Nowhere To Hide 84
Proud Ruler 81
Right Of Way 81
Conservative 80

Race 5 : [ Md Sp Wt ] 7 F. ... on Turf ... for Fillies 2 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 52000

Speed: Just Livin A Dream Debbie H Pari
Pace: Just Livin A Dream Selene's Delight Nan
Class: Just Livin A Dream Debbie H Pari
LongShot: Just Livin A Dream

Race Par = 87

2B Just Livin A Dream Coa E M * 18 Ritvo Timo 10 ++ 15-1 24 5 61 1 88 92 86 92 100 96 96 92
13 Pari Prado E S * 18 Proctor Th 17 + 12-1 51 14 14 0 88 88 0 88 102 89 99 88
3 Debbie H Sanchez Je* 9 Romans Dal 12 +- 3-1 49 8 100 5 90 88 0 90 96 99 89 88
7 Gold D'oro Maragh Raj* 15 Mott Willi 15 +N 4-1 24 4 19 1 87 87 85 87 96 93 94 87
14 Catniche Garcia A 18 Iwinski Al 14 N- 12-1 60 3 14 0 86 86 0 86 96 88 98 86
9 Selene's Delight Coa E M 18 Tagg Barcl 17 10-1 24 9 1 0 84 84 82 84 96 83 101 84
5 Nan Velasquez * 13 Hennig Mar 15 + 9/2 24 8 44 3 88 83 83 88 96 90 93 83
4 Miss World Hill C 11 Clement Ch 19 - 8-1 35 4 46 1 84 82 0 0 98 89 93 82
8 Green Pond Luzzi M J 10 Albertrani 13 20-1 24 8 1 6 79 79 77 79 95 90 89 79
1 There I Go Bravo J * 18 Pletcher T 19 6-1 43 12 12 0 74 74 0 74 90 80 94 74
6 Northern Harbor Fragoso P * 10 Sciacca Ga 9 30-1 64 12 3 4 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1A Miss Catalyst Prado E S * 18 Pletcher T 19 6-1 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Bella D'oro Elliott S * 17 Ritvo Timo 10 15-1 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Always Auditioning Migliore R* 11 Frankel Ro 19 12-1 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Split Second Espinoza J 8 Donk David 13 30-1 14 8 4 4 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Proud Lisa Bravo J * 18 Orseno Jos 13 15-1 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Pari 102
Just Livin A Dream 100
Miss World 98
Nan 96
Gold D'oro 96
Debbie H 99
Just Livin A Dream 96
Gold D'oro 93
Nan 90
Green Pond 90
Selene's Delight 101
Pari 99
Catniche 98
Just Livin A Dream 96
Gold D'oro 94
Just Livin A Dream 92
Pari 88
Debbie H 88
Gold D'oro 87
Catniche 86
Just Livin A Dream 92
Pari 88
Debbie H 88
Gold D'oro 87
Catniche 86
Just Livin A Dream 86
Gold D'oro 85
Nan 83
Selene's Delight 82
Green Pond 77
Just Livin A Dream 92
Debbie H 90
Nan 88
Pari 88
Gold D'oro 87
Debbie H 90
Nan 88
Just Livin A Dream 88
Pari 88
Gold D'oro 87

Race 6 : [ Md Sp Wt ] 6 Fs. ... on Turf ... for Fillies 2 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 47000

Speed: Apple Grove Ms Stilleto Judge Margaret
Pace: Apple Grove Ms Stilleto Judge Margaret
Class: Judge Margaret Apple Grove Ms Stilleto
LongShot: Justify

Race Par = 74

7 Apple Grove Garcia A * 18 Albertrani 13 ++ 3-1 37 13 45 0 76 76 74 76 88 80 96 76
5 Ms Stilleto Maragh Raj* 15 Schettino 5 ++ 5-1 37 8 27 4 75 75 74 75 88 84 91 75
8 Judge Margaret Prado E S * 18 Ritvo Timo 10 N 7/2 30 10 100 0 76 74 0 73 90 82 92 74
3 Justify Fragoso P * 10 Campanella 8 12-1 19 4 22 0 51 69 0 64 85 80 89 69
2 Stormie Gray Elliott S * 17 Sciacca Ga 9 30-1 10 4 4 0 69 69 0 69 85 80 89 69
4 Kittys Wish Sanchez Je* 9 Contessa G 13 10-1 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Cajun Belle Espinoza J* 8 Bush Thoma 13 12-1 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Rosie's Run Coa E M * 18 Crook-dema 17 10-1 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Really Classic Morales Sa* 11 Kelly Patr 6 30-1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 My Only One Velasquez * 13 Dutrow Ric 24 6-1 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Christine's Design Hill C * 11 Donk David 13 20-1 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 One More Thing Luzzi M J * 10 O'brien Ke 4 30-1 42 7 18 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1A My Golden Years Prado E S * 18 Dutrow Ric 24 6-1 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1B My Cruiser No Rider * 0 Dutrow Ric 24 6-1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1X Meet Me In Vegas No Rider * 0 Dutrow Ric 24 6-1 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Judge Margaret 90
Ms Stilleto 88
Apple Grove 88
Justify 85
Stormie Gray 85
Ms Stilleto 84
Judge Margaret 82
Justify 80
Apple Grove 80
Stormie Gray 80
Apple Grove 96
Judge Margaret 92
Ms Stilleto 91
Justify 89
Stormie Gray 89
Apple Grove 76
Ms Stilleto 75
Judge Margaret 74
Justify 69
Stormie Gray 69
Apple Grove 76
Ms Stilleto 75
Judge Margaret 74
Justify 69
Stormie Gray 69
Ms Stilleto 74
Apple Grove 74
Justify 0
Kittys Wish 0
Cajun Belle 0
Apple Grove 76
Ms Stilleto 75
Judge Margaret 73
Stormie Gray 69
Justify 64
Apple Grove 76
Judge Margaret 76
Ms Stilleto 75
Stormie Gray 69
Justify 51

Race 7 : [ Alw 50000s ] 7 F. ... on Turf ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 52000

Speed: King Carter Kris Angel Call Tiger
Pace: Oceanography Excellent Soldier Alabama Man
Class: Hi Daddy Call Tiger King Carter
LongShot: Talkhouse Alabama Man

Race Par = 89

3 King Carter Hill C 11 Hushion Mi 24 + 3-1 30 7 66 1 89 92 0 92 96 92 100 92
1 Call Tiger Velasquez * 13 Gullo Gary 11 - 5/2 37 4 90 5 83 90 0 86 98 94 96 90
11 Hi Daddy No Rider * 0 Gyarmati L 5 6-1 30 8 93 2 85 91 0 0 98 92 98 90
4 Kris Angel Santiago V* 9 Sciacca Ga 9 +- 30-1 449 13 36 0 85 90 0 90 97 82 106 88
10 Manuel R Velez J A * 14 Alexander 20 15-1 38 7 68 7 92 88 0 0 98 99 89 88
1A Merlin Circle No Rider * 0 Gullo Gary 11 - 5/2 128 4 100 4 51 90 0 51 94 98 90 88
7 Counting House Morales Sa* 11 Callejas B 15 N 12-1 18 0 66 3 77 88 0 88 94 91 95 86
9 Talkhouse Samyn J L * 7 Turner Wil 12 15-1 37 8 55 2 69 90 84 86 92 87 99 86
6 Excellent Soldier Sanchez Je* 9 Ritvo Timo 10 + 6-1 11 0 45 0 85 89 0 89 90 84 100 84
8 Alabama Man Migliore R 11 Mclaughlin 24 + 6-1 11 6 56 5 82 89 80 89 92 88 96 84
5 Oceanography Prado E S 18 Frankel Ro 19 + 6-1 15 5 77 0 78 96 0 90 89 82 100 82
2 South Pacific Coa E M * 18 Jerkens Ja 19 15-1 37 16 47 0 78 91 0 78 98 88 94 82

Top Fives
Call Tiger 98
Manuel R 98
Hi Daddy 98
South Pacific 98
Kris Angel 97
Manuel R 99
Merlin Circle 98
Call Tiger 94
King Carter 92
Hi Daddy 92
Kris Angel 106
King Carter 100
Oceanography 100
Excellent Soldier 100
Talkhouse 99
King Carter 92
Call Tiger 90
Hi Daddy 90
Kris Angel 88
Manuel R 88
Oceanography 96
King Carter 92
Hi Daddy 91
South Pacific 91
Kris Angel 90
Talkhouse 84
Alabama Man 80
King Carter 0
Kris Angel 0
Oceanography 0
King Carter 92
Kris Angel 90
Oceanography 90
Excellent Soldier 89
Alabama Man 89
Manuel R 92
King Carter 89
Kris Angel 85
Excellent Soldier 85
Hi Daddy 85

Race 8 : [ Clm 35000n2l ] Mile 1/8 ... on Turf ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 34000

Speed: Senor Enrico Paisano Creek High Brass
Pace: Senor Enrico Munition Classic Impact
Class: Cheetah Trail Paisano Creek Munition
LongShot: Senor Enrico

Race Par = 85

9 Cheetah Trail Samyn J L * 7 Sedlacek M 11 6-1 77 13 100 1 75 94 0 0 101 94 97 91
5 Paisano Creek Bravo J 18 Clement Ch 19 + 3-1 25 4 79 2 85 86 80 86 94 86 100 86
6 Senor Enrico Maragh Raj* 15 Persaud Ra 12 ++ 6-1 9 0 22 3 81 89 89 89 93 80 104 84
10 High Brass No Rider * 0 Jerkens H 11 N- 5/2 58 5 58 6 85 84 54 84 92 90 94 84
7 Trippin Up Velez J A 14 Alexander 20 + 8-1 28 4 71 4 82 85 81 85 94 88 94 82
8 Conduct Of Honour Prado E S * 18 Gorham Mic 16 + 9/2 15 0 25 3 71 85 70 85 96 83 99 82
1 Classic Impact Santiago V* 9 Brown Bruc 25 + 10-1 15 3 20 0 69 85 81 85 90 81 99 80
4 Elder Skatesman Davis Jacq* 0 Allyn Will 0 30-1 28 4 44 0 74 82 82 82 90 81 98 79
3 Munition Velasquez * 13 Jacobson D 18 + 20-1 15 3 45 0 69 88 78 88 94 82 96 78
2 Swift Strike Sanchez Je* 9 Sheppard J 16 - 7/2 28 0 56 3 79 80 80 80 90 80 98 78
1A Moore Miles Coa E M * 18 Brown Bruc 25 NN 10-1 9 0 26 2 75 84 84 84 87 82 95 77

Top Fives
Cheetah Trail 101
Conduct Of Honour 96
Munition 94
Paisano Creek 94
Trippin Up 94
Cheetah Trail 94
High Brass 90
Trippin Up 88
Paisano Creek 86
Conduct Of Honour 83
Senor Enrico 104
Paisano Creek 100
Classic Impact 99
Conduct Of Honour 99
Elder Skatesman 98
Cheetah Trail 91
Paisano Creek 86
Senor Enrico 84
High Brass 84
Trippin Up 82
Cheetah Trail 94
Senor Enrico 89
Munition 88
Paisano Creek 86
Classic Impact 85
Senor Enrico 89
Moore Miles 84
Elder Skatesman 82
Classic Impact 81
Trippin Up 81
Senor Enrico 89
Munition 88
Paisano Creek 86
Classic Impact 85
Trippin Up 85
Paisano Creek 85
High Brass 85
Trippin Up 82
Senor Enrico 81
Swift Strike 79

Race 9 : [ Vivano75k ] 7 F. ... on Dirt ... for Fillies and Mares 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 75000

Speed: Windy Thunders Dove Dicey Girl
Pace: Windy Thunders Dove Boca Grande
Class: Boca Grande Thunders Dove Dicey Girl
LongShot: Windy

Race Par = 93

2 Thunders Dove Elliott S * 17 Zito Nicho 21 + 2-1 29 4 63 8 96 98 0 0 100 100 96 96
8 Windy Coa E M * 18 Brown Chad 21 ++ 8-1 83 9 35 0 89 98 92 92 100 100 94 94
5 Over Forli Hill C 11 Hushion Mi 24 ++ 8-1 60 14 24 2 94 93 92 74 100 100 93 93
4 Dicey Girl Garcia A * 18 Klesaris S 26 +- 5-1 52 6 43 2 91 98 80 0 100 96 96 92
3 Drama Lady Fragoso P * 10 Hennig Mar 15 ++- 20-1 52 8 44 0 88 96 92 88 100 92 98 90
9 Are We Dreamin Maragh Raj 15 Persaud Ra 12 + 12-1 18 0 55 5 84 96 88 0 97 95 93 88
1 You Asked Bravo J * 18 Goldberg A 17 +N- 12-1 134 11 42 0 86 93 91 84 88 49 0 88
6 Boca Grande Velasquez 13 Mcgaughey 20 ++ 3-1 24 4 100 0 90 96 96 0 100 90 97 87
7 Ocean Goddess Migliore R* 11 Turner Wil 12 NN 15-1 37 9 46 2 78 92 92 0 100 94 91 85

Top Fives
Thunders Dove 100
Drama Lady 100
Dicey Girl 100
Over Forli 100
Boca Grande 100
Thunders Dove 100
Over Forli 100
Windy 100
Dicey Girl 96
Are We Dreamin 95
Drama Lady 98
Boca Grande 97
Thunders Dove 96
Dicey Girl 96
Windy 94
Thunders Dove 96
Windy 94
Over Forli 93
Dicey Girl 92
Drama Lady 90
Thunders Dove 98
Dicey Girl 98
Windy 98
Drama Lady 96
Boca Grande 96
Boca Grande 96
Drama Lady 92
Over Forli 92
Ocean Goddess 92
Windy 92
Windy 92
Drama Lady 88
You Asked 84
Over Forli 74
Thunders Dove 0
Thunders Dove 96
Over Forli 94
Dicey Girl 91
Boca Grande 90
Windy 89

Race 10 : [ Alw 50000n1x ] One Mile ... on Turf ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 50000

Speed: Prime Obsession Ode To Revolution Egyptian King
Pace: Allaboutmack Prime Obsession Sammy's Toy
Class: Prime Obsession He Aint Easy Ode To Revolution
LongShot: Calagaitor Fairway Drive

Race Par = 86

12 Prime Obsession Sanchez Je 9 Barker Edw 11 + 8-1 32 5 53 4 90 91 0 91 100 93 98 91
2 Egyptian King Berrios Cr* 3 Henriques 3 +- 12-1 156 12 34 7 7 87 68 86 96 96 91 87
9 Ode To Revolution Maragh Raj* 15 Hills Timo 13 + 4-1 10 4 32 6 80 90 0 90 94 88 99 87
7 Tobruk Morales Sa 11 Sciacca Ga 9 +N 9/2 10 0 36 2 81 86 84 86 88 85 99 84
14 Fly The North Wind Sanchez Je 9 Ferraro Ja 7 5/2 17 0 42 4 87 84 0 72 93 96 88 84
3 Dirty Water Dog Coa E M 18 Brown Chad 21 nn 3-1 37 8 75 2 81 84 84 84 92 86 97 83
5 Sammy's Toy Elliott S * 17 Ritvo Timo 10 +- 20-1 39 4 22 5 72 86 79 86 94 83 99 82
6 Calagaitor Samyn J L 7 Tesher How 3 + 20-1 10 0 9 0 78 86 82 86 93 84 98 82
10 Allaboutmack Santiago V* 9 Lostritto 3 n 20-1 15 4 10 1 70 84 0 84 91 81 101 82
16 He Aint Easy Velasquez * 13 Donk David 13 - 8-1 53 3 36 4 84 89 70 83 95 81 101 82
1 Ring Bernadette Migliore R* 11 Jerkens Ja 19 8-1 92 17 56 7 79 81 0 0 97 98 83 81
8 Fairway Drive Prado E S * 18 Martin Car 22 + 8-1 10 0 28 5 78 86 82 86 90 81 99 80
13 Night In Tunisa No Rider * 0 Pletcher T 19 4-1 17 0 100 5 80 80 0 83 93 90 90 80
11 Doc Can Do Hill C 11 Pellegrino 4 30-1 10 9 24 8 77 78 0 62 90 92 86 78
15 Big Ira Davis Velasquez 13 Dutrow Ric 24 - 6-1 189 15 31 3 66 76 0 0 90 88 88 76
4 Special Tesoro Luzzi M J * 10 Arroyo Enr 16 20-1 22 0 26 6 72 77 0 77 88 87 87 74

Top Fives
Prime Obsession 100
Ring Bernadette 97
Egyptian King 96
He Aint Easy 95
Sammy's Toy 94
Ring Bernadette 98
Egyptian King 96
Fly The North Wind 96
Prime Obsession 93
Doc Can Do 92
Allaboutmack 101
He Aint Easy 101
Sammy's Toy 99
Tobruk 99
Fairway Drive 99
Prime Obsession 91
Egyptian King 87
Ode To Revolution 87
Tobruk 84
Fly The North Wind 84
Prime Obsession 91
Ode To Revolution 90
He Aint Easy 89
Egyptian King 87
Sammy's Toy 86
Dirty Water Dog 84
Tobruk 84
Calagaitor 82
Fairway Drive 82
Sammy's Toy 79
Prime Obsession 91
Ode To Revolution 90
Egyptian King 86
Sammy's Toy 86
Calagaitor 86
Prime Obsession 90
Fly The North Wind 87
He Aint Easy 84
Dirty Water Dog 81
Tobruk 81


October 19 , 2008

Fast Track Simulcapping

Ratings and Data

* Jockey* = change
# Program numberLRLast Race speed rating
ML Morning LineB2Avg Best 2 races, last 10
Tr Trainer Win PctTRTurf Rating
DRDistance Rating
DLR Days since last raceRPRace Pace Avg 2 pacelines
FW Furlongs worked 3 weeksEPEarly Pace Avg 2 pacelines
AER Average Earnings RatioLPLate Pace Avg 2 pacelines
QS Quirin Speed Points (0 to 8)FTSFinal Time Speed Avg 2 pacelines

Contender Algorithm Factors
Speed : FTS, B2, DR or TR, and RTG
Pace : FTS, RP, EP or LP, DR or TR
Class : RP or TR, AER, and ML