Calder Race Course

Fast Track Simulcapping:

Contenders and Speed Ratings

-- RATINGS -- RTG contender rating LR last race speed rating P# program number EP early pace rating ML morning line odds LP late pace rating DLR days since last race FTS Fast Track speed rating Rank rank of LR, EP, LP, FTS each horse * ratings calculated from race of different distance to today For Further Explanation of Ratings
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November 21st, 1998.

1ST RACE:     5 f.     Dirt     Open     Allowance 
Quick Picks:     Zilzazz                Teamwork               Tepeyac                
Pace Profile:    Zilzazz                Tepeyac                Frisky Attitude        
Spud Says:       Zilzazz                Tepeyac
Long Shot:       Teamwork               
CONSENSUS:       Zilzazz(9)             Tepeyac(5)             Teamwork(2)

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
Zilzazz                   ++     1   3-1    18   89  106   84    90    1171
Tepeyac                   ++     2   4-1    14   89   95   93    88    1512
Frisky Attitude           +      5   5-1    18   77   98   89    87    6343
Copelan's Key                    4   6-1    33   55   95   91    86    7523
Teamwork                         3   8-1     9   80   99   87    86    5253
My Superstar              +-     6   5-2    33   85   98   87    85    3356
Gallant Chocolate                7   8-1    40   83   92   89    81    4737
2ND RACE:     7 f.     Dirt     Open     Claiming 
Quick Picks:     Little Villain         Our Exuberant Lad      Ben's Quixote          
Pace Profile:    Our Exuberant Lad      Ben's Quixote          Havana Sunrise         
Spud Says:       Ben's Quixote          Havana Sunrise         
Long Shot:       Little Villain         
CONSENSUS:       Ben's Quixote(6)       Our Exuberant Lad(5)   Little Villain(3)      

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
*Little Villain           ++     5   8-1    12   78   82  108    90    5811
Our Exuberant Lad         ++     7   9-5     7   84   89   99    89    1422
Ben's Quixote             +      1   3-1    12   83   91   92    83    3243
Havana Sunrise            +      6   4-1    12   80   93   90    82    4154
Zubi Zareta               ++-    8  15-1    64   84   87   96    82    1634
Hoosier Papa                     2   8-1    12   75   90   90    80    6356
Conrad's Call                    3   6-1    12   71   86   90    76    7657
Classic Corner                   4  20-1    12   52   88   88    75    8587
3RD RACE:     6 f.     Dirt     Open     Maiden 
Quick Picks:     Happy Prospector       Simmer                 Ryan Kris              
Pace Profile:    
Spud Says:       
Long Shot:       

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
Happy Prospector          ++     5   2-1    14   82   97   82    79    1111
Go Nana Go                       3   6-1    14   67   88   79    67    2222
Ryan Kris                        6  15-1    21   54   87   69    56    3333
Cutaway                          4   8-1     0    0    0    0     0    4444
Simmer                    +-     2   3-1     0    0    0    0     0    4444
Greyseco                  +-     1   4-1     0    0    0    0     0    4444
Aleutian Bomber                  7   5-1     0    0    0    0     0    4444
4TH RACE:     7 f.     Dirt     Open     Allowance 
Quick Picks:     Pop                    Deputy Mac             Kelski                 
Pace Profile:    Pop                    Deputy Mac             Gorjeador              
Spud Says:       Deputy Mac             Pop                    
Long Shot:       High Above             
CONSENSUS:       Pop(8)                 Deputy Mac(7)          Kelski(1)              

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
Pop                       ++     2   5-2    21   91   93   94    87    1531
Kelski                    +      4   3-1    14   86   97   87    84    5252
Deputy Mac                +      5   4-1    19   89  101   83    84    3172
High Above                +      6  12-1    21   88   94   89    83    4444
Gorjeador                 +      1   4-1    49   90   83   98    81    2625
Report to Win                    7   8-1    34   82   95   84    79    7366
*North East Bound                3   6-1    25   84   78   99    78    6717
5TH RACE:     7 f.     Dirt     Open     Claiming 
Quick Picks:     Doctor Of Spin         Last Stop Stanley      Can't Catch Kipper     
Pace Profile:    Almost Repo            Mi Papote              Doctor Of Spin         
Spud Says:       Slim                   Almost Repo            
Long Shot:
CONSENSUS:       Almost Repo(5)         Doctor Of Spin(4)      Slim(3)   

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
Doctor Of Spin            ++-    6   3-1    14   71   93   88    80    8351
Can't Catch Kipper        ++-    7   6-1    13   72   92   88    80    7451
Last Stop Stanley         ++    10   6-1    13   74   87   93    80    6631
Slim                      +      8   4-1    13   77   92   88    79    4451
Almost Repo               +      3   5-1    27   79   94   85    79    3291
A J Tejano                +      4  12-1    20   80   83   95    78    2826
Flying Ruckus                    5   6-1    25   75   84   92    76    5747
*Mi Papote                ++     9  10-1    14   81   73  100    74    1918
Noble Priest                     2  20-1    27   67   96   77    73    9199
Vostok                           1  20-1    24   62   79   88    67    9959
6TH RACE:     6 f.     Dirt     Open     Mdn Claiming
Quick Picks:     Color Me Glitter       Harvey's Way           Awesome Actor          
Pace Profile:    
Spud Says:       
Long Shot:       

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
Color Me Glitter          ++     4   4-1    12   77   91   84    75    2131
Harvey's Way              ++-    5   3-1    36   78   87   88    75    1211
Awesome Actor             +      6   6-1    28   75   84   87    71    3513
Cape Laurel                      2   5-1    23   69   87   81    69    4244
Hoadly Road                      7  20-1    28   66   87   79    67    5255
The Slewer                       1  12-1     0    0    0    0     0    6666
Counter Reality                  3   6-1     0    0    0    0     0    6666
Evening Dreams                   8   8-1     0    0    0    0     0    6666
Devil Ray                        9  10-1     0    0    0    0     0    6666
Gabriell's Wings                10  12-1     0    0    0    0     0    6666
7TH RACE:     6 1/2 f.     Dirt     Open     Allowance 
Quick Picks:     Olympus                York Encounter         Golf Game              
Pace Profile:    Olympus                York Encounter         Forty Four             
Spud Says:       York Encounter         Bobs Draw              
Long Shot:       Prince Of Mary
CONSENSUS:       York Encounter(7)      Olympus(6)             Bobs Draw(2)           

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
*Olympus                  ++-    7  15-1   164   92   84  105    90    1911
Bobs Draw                 +-    10  12-1    42   88   96   94    89    2341
Golf Game                 +      6   4-1    14   87   92   96    88    4623
York Encounter            +-     3   5-1    14   84   98   90    88    8193
Prince Of Mary            +      9  12-1    15   79   95   92    87    9365
The Idol                  +      4   6-1     9   87   96   91    87    4285
Forty Four                +      1   3-1    15   89   92   95    87    2635
Gold Searcher                    5   8-1    23   87   92   94    86    4648
Nickthehousebuster               8  10-1    14   80   92   92    84    9669
Truly Wonderful                  2   8-1    21   86   95   86    82    7399
8TH RACE:     6 f.     Dirt     Open     Allowance 
Quick Picks:     Favorite Fighter       Arrecife               Mayor Steve            
Pace Profile:    Favorite Fighter       Mayor Steve            Arrecife               
Spud Says:       Favorite Fighter       Mayor Steve            
Long Shot:
CONSENSUS:       Favorite Fighter(9)    Mayor Steve(5)         Arrecife(3)            

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
Favorite Fighter          ++     1   9-5    26  100  100   99    99    1421
Arrecife                  +-     8   3-1    18   85   95  101    96    8712
Mayor Steve                      6   5-1    18   87  101   91    92    7363
Birdie 'n Me                     4   8-1    14   91   97   95    92    2643
Reporter                         2   6-1    69   90   98   94    91    3553
Darn That Buck                   3   6-1    34   88   94   97    91    5833
Premier Ruler                    7  20-1    27   89  104   85    89    4177
Luke's Way                       5  15-1    18   88  103   84    87    5188
10TH RACE:     1 mi.     Dirt     Open     Allowance 
Quick Picks:     Summer Lucky           Redhanded              Dance n' Jac           
Pace Profile:    Summer Lucky           Redhanded              Irish Terror           
Spud Says:       Summer Lucky           Prime Wine             
Long Shot:       Huge                  
CONSENSUS:       Summer Lucky(9)        Redhanded(4)           Prime Wine(2)          

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
Summer Lucky              ++     4   3-1     7   93   93   99    92    1331
Redhanded                 +      8   5-1    15   91   89  102    91    2512
*Prime Wine               +-     9   6-1    28   89   95   94    90    5163
Dance n' Jac              +      6   6-1     8   91   90   99    90    2433
Red Rocket Robyn          +     1A   4-1    15   89   86  103    88    5915
Irish Terror              +      3   6-1     8   91   94   93    87    2276
Huge                             2   8-1    15   87   89   98    87    7557
Flak Man                  +      1   4-1    21   74   89   93    82    9578
Boc Gemeau                       5  10-1    21   77   88   91    80    8599
*Darn That Alice                 7  30-1    42    0   87   84    72    9999
11TH RACE:     1 1/16 mi.     Turf     Open     
Quick Picks:     Watkindadealisthis     Grade One              Francisco              
Pace Profile:    Watkindadealisthis     Francisco              Lucky Appeal           
Spud Says:       Watkindadealisthis     Grade One              
Long Shot:       Lucky Appeal           
CONSENSUS:       Watkindadealisthis(9)  Grade One(4)           Francisco(3)           

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
Watkindadealisthis        ++    12   2-1    35   96  102   90    92    1191
Francisco                 +      1   6-1    26   91   91   98    90    2912
Grade One                 +      2   8-1    21   90   92   97    90    5622
Throwthebookatem          +      9   5-1    20   90   94   94    89    5344
Wertz                           11   8-1    20   85   94   94    88    9345
Lucky Appeal                     5  12-1    21   92   93   95    88    2635
*Sea of Tranquility              7  12-1    28   92   96   91    87    2295
Valid Reprized                   3  10-1    20   89   95   92    87    7395
Special Coach                   13  20-1    12   87   91   93    84    8989
Eat On the Run                   8  20-1    18   84   93   91    84    9699
Skips Boy                        4  20-1    12   86   90   94    84    9949
Country Joe                      6  20-1    17   86   92   90    82    9699
Ground Truth                    10  12-1    35   77   85   95    80    9949