Calder Race Course

December 8 , 2007

Fast Track Simulcapping

Ratings and Data

# Program numberLRLast Race speed rating
ML Morning LineB2Avg Best 2 races, last 10
Tr Trainer Win PctTRTurf Rating
Jk Jockey Win Pct (* = jock change)DRDistance Rating
DLR Days since last raceRPRace Pace Avg 2 pacelines
FW Furlongs worked 3 weeksEPEarly Pace Avg 2 pacelines
AER Average Earnings RatioLPLate Pace Avg 2 pacelines
QS Quirin Speed Points (0 to 8)FTSFinal Time Speed Avg 2 pacelines

Contender Algorithm Factors
Speed : FTS, B2, DR or TR, and RTG
Pace : FTS, RP, EP or LP, DR or TR
Class : RP or TR, AER, and ML

Race 1 : [ Md 12500 ] 7 F. ... on Dirt ... for Fillies and Mares 3, 4, & 5 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 7500

Speed: Sweetsouthernfilla Blushing Bavarian Rose Of Infinity
Pace: Blushing Bavarian Rose Of Infinity Sweetsouthernfilla
Class: Blushing Bavarian Sweetsouthernfilla Rose Of Infinity
LongShot: Rahy Ridge

Race Par = 66

Sweetsouthernfilla + 3 3-1 17 * 10 6 0 33 3 65 70 55 83 83 87 70
Blushing Bavarian +- 10 5/2 11 * 10 49 4 100 1 59 73 0 83 82 85 67
Rose Of Infinity + 1 4-1 13 * 9 20 0 51 0 52 66 0 82 88 78 66
Rahy Ridge n- 5 12-1 4 1 26 3 10 0 59 64 0 78 80 82 62
K. B. Paraiso 2 6-1 7 * 16 92 18 10 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
Break Front 4 12-1 18 * 5 55 4 14 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0
Salient Finish 6 30-1 0 * 8 22 0 13 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hockey Player Five 7 12-1 17 * 11 15 4 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Defiant Dancer 8 20-1 12 * 10 55 4 7 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sarasota May Bell 9 8-1 11 * 19 41 4 5 3 8 0 22 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Sweetsouthernfilla 83
Blushing Bavarian 83
Rose Of Infinity 82
Rahy Ridge 78
K. B. Paraiso 0
Rose Of Infinity 88
Sweetsouthernfilla 83
Blushing Bavarian 82
Rahy Ridge 80
K. B. Paraiso 0
Sweetsouthernfilla 87
Blushing Bavarian 85
Rahy Ridge 82
Rose Of Infinity 78
K. B. Paraiso 0
Sweetsouthernfilla 70
Blushing Bavarian 67
Rose Of Infinity 66
Rahy Ridge 62
K. B. Paraiso 0
Blushing Bavarian 73
Sweetsouthernfilla 70
Rose Of Infinity 66
Rahy Ridge 64
K. B. Paraiso 0
Sweetsouthernfilla 55
Sarasota May Bell 22
K. B. Paraiso 0
Break Front 0
Rahy Ridge 0
Blushing Bavarian 74
Rahy Ridge 60
K. B. Paraiso 26
Rose Of Infinity 24
Break Front 22
Sweetsouthernfilla 65
Rahy Ridge 59
Blushing Bavarian 59
Rose Of Infinity 52
Break Front 13

Race 2 : [ Clm 12500 ] 6 Fs. ... on Dirt ... for Fillies and Mares 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 12000

Speed: Gentle Appeal Jodif Our Little Buck
Pace: Double Delta Miss Cassie Jean Jodif
Class: Jodif Gentle Appeal Double Delta
LongShot: Double Delta

Race Par = 76

Dig For Dinner + 8 3-1 13 * 15 7 0 42 6 71 82 24 87 94 85 79
Double Delta ++ 3 6-1 15 * 20 21 0 84 6 75 81 81 90 92 85 77
Sea Birdie ++ 2 6-1 14 * 11 21 10 19 2 68 84 79 88 92 84 76
Jodif ++- 5 5-1 22 * 16 49 4 100 5 67 85 85 92 90 86 76
Gentle Appeal ++ 6 8-1 14 10 12 0 44 4 74 86 80 90 92 84 76
Our Little Buck + 7 5/2 14 * 8 7 3 43 0 72 86 26 86 86 89 75
Miss Cassie Jean + 4 15-1 7 11 15 0 17 2 70 80 27 88 92 82 74
Luckily ++ 1 8-1 0 * 10 16 0 41 5 70 79 76 88 86 88 74

Top Fives
Jodif 92
Double Delta 90
Gentle Appeal 90
Sea Birdie 88
Miss Cassie Jean 88
Dig For Dinner 94
Sea Birdie 92
Double Delta 92
Miss Cassie Jean 92
Gentle Appeal 92
Our Little Buck 89
Luckily 88
Jodif 86
Double Delta 85
Dig For Dinner 85
Dig For Dinner 79
Double Delta 77
Sea Birdie 76
Jodif 76
Gentle Appeal 76
Gentle Appeal 86
Our Little Buck 86
Jodif 85
Sea Birdie 84
Dig For Dinner 82
Jodif 85
Double Delta 81
Gentle Appeal 80
Sea Birdie 79
Luckily 76
Jodif 80
Double Delta 40
Gentle Appeal 40
Sea Birdie 39
Dig For Dinner 38
Double Delta 75
Gentle Appeal 74
Our Little Buck 72
Dig For Dinner 71
Miss Cassie Jean 70

Race 3 : [ Alw 24500n1x ] One Mile ... on Turf ... for 2 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 24500

Speed: Big Al Dulansky Grande
Pace: Big Al Dulansky He's Tuned
Class: Big Al Grande Dulansky
LongShot: Grande Red Green On Gold

Race Par = 82

Big Al + 14 2-1 17 20 28 13 83 5 88 90 92 94 90 100 90
Grande 2 6-1 17 19 26 9 45 7 74 85 79 97 93 90 83
Dulansky + 8 3-1 9 * 10 28 9 50 5 78 82 85 92 84 98 82
King's Soldier 4 8-1 17 15 26 8 54 4 73 79 76 90 86 92 78
Stephen's Gold 7 8-1 12 10 13 4 35 0 81 80 0 86 92 86 78
Joey The Scholar 10 6-1 14 16 21 4 34 8 69 83 72 92 94 83 77
Red Green On Gold 6 8-1 12 * 11 34 18 34 2 74 76 78 88 82 94 76
Wise Warrior - 13 20-1 13 11 44 0 41 2 74 78 0 91 89 87 76
Civil Suit 1 10-1 12 * 16 21 4 63 5 74 77 0 91 92 83 75
He's Tuned n 5 4-1 17 20 29 9 100 6 77 74 80 88 83 91 74
Kim's Dixie Tune - 12 6-1 10 * 16 63 3 64 6 74 74 76 89 88 86 74
Rockcastle - 11 15-1 14 * 11 50 3 22 3 65 77 0 87 86 85 71
Macho Kid - 9 12-1 7 * 11 30 0 77 1 74 69 0 84 87 81 68
Cyryaco 3 20-1 14 11 21 7 58 2 56 62 0 76 84 76 60

Top Fives
Grande 97
Big Al 94
Dulansky 92
Joey The Scholar 92
Wise Warrior 91
Joey The Scholar 94
Grande 93
Stephen's Gold 92
Civil Suit 92
Big Al 90
Big Al 100
Dulansky 98
Red Green On Gold 94
King's Soldier 92
He's Tuned 91
Big Al 90
Grande 83
Dulansky 82
King's Soldier 78
Stephen's Gold 78
Big Al 90
Grande 85
Joey The Scholar 83
Dulansky 82
Stephen's Gold 80
Grande 0
Cyryaco 0
King's Soldier 0
He's Tuned 0
Red Green On Gold 0
Big Al 92
Dulansky 85
He's Tuned 80
Grande 79
Red Green On Gold 78
Big Al 88
Stephen's Gold 81
Dulansky 78
He's Tuned 77
Grande 74

Race 4 : [ Clm 10000n3l ] 5 1/2 F. ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 10500

Speed: Dukes Flying Tiger El Quixote Royal Star
Pace: El Quixote Royal Star Bullarium
Class: Dukes Flying Tiger Artax Collector El Quixote
LongShot: El Quixote

Race Par = 81

Dukes Flying Tiger +- 7 5/2 28 * 11 99 4 73 1 78 87 0 94 92 91 83
Royal Star ++- 9 5-1 11 11 29 4 46 4 81 82 82 93 94 88 82
Road To Damascus ++- 6 6-1 7 10 22 0 43 0 76 81 81 90 86 95 81
El Quixote ++ 4 8-1 11 * 19 16 0 37 6 73 85 85 92 92 88 80
Frisky Flyer nn 2 12-1 6 * 1 9 0 37 0 78 79 79 90 91 87 78
Artax Collector +- 8 4-1 17 20 22 0 89 6 78 84 68 92 92 86 78
It's Just Business 1 20-1 5 * 14 16 0 6 0 66 78 78 90 87 91 78
Bullarium 5 10-1 14 * 11 12 0 74 4 74 78 78 91 90 86 76
Southern Formality n 10 12-1 11 * 10 12 0 23 4 67 79 76 88 86 88 74
Amazing Victory 3 10-1 18 * 20 8 0 100 7 65 72 25 84 88 84 72

Top Fives
Dukes Flying Tiger 94
Royal Star 93
El Quixote 92
Artax Collector 92
Bullarium 91
Royal Star 94
El Quixote 92
Dukes Flying Tiger 92
Artax Collector 92
Frisky Flyer 91
Road To Damascus 95
Dukes Flying Tiger 91
It's Just Business 91
El Quixote 88
Royal Star 88
Dukes Flying Tiger 83
Royal Star 82
Road To Damascus 81
El Quixote 80
Frisky Flyer 78
Dukes Flying Tiger 87
El Quixote 85
Artax Collector 84
Royal Star 82
Road To Damascus 81
El Quixote 85
Royal Star 82
Road To Damascus 81
Frisky Flyer 79
Bullarium 78
El Quixote 85
Dukes Flying Tiger 73
Road To Damascus 30
Royal Star 30
Frisky Flyer 0
Royal Star 81
Frisky Flyer 78
Dukes Flying Tiger 78
Artax Collector 78
Road To Damascus 76

Race 5 : [ SnnyIssues50k ] One Mile ... on Turf ... for Fillies 3 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 50000

Speed: Jesse's Justice Queen Joanne Snow Cone
Pace: Queen Joanne Jesse's Justice Dattts Our Girl
Class: Cher Ami Jesse's Justice Pretoria Light
LongShot: Jesse's Justice

Race Par = 89

Cher Ami 7 5-1 10 11 35 8 90 8 88 96 79 100 104 90 94
Jesse's Justice ++ 4 6-1 24 * 19 49 12 85 3 74 90 92 96 87 103 90
Pretoria Light 5 12-1 9 * 16 35 9 44 7 80 92 86 98 101 89 90
Queen Joanne ++- 10 7/2 20 * 11 29 4 100 3 85 90 91 93 85 105 90
Snow Cone +- 11 4-1 27 20 56 8 99 2 88 89 92 90 86 103 89
Dattts Our Girl +- 2 12-1 14 * 15 29 0 38 1 84 87 90 94 88 99 87
Arch Nemesis + 12 12-1 14 7 20 4 31 3 85 87 89 94 86 101 87
Sweet Exchange N 8 10-1 7 10 20 5 44 7 71 86 88 92 90 96 86
Banda Victoria +- 13 8-1 14 * 14 42 9 37 6 75 92 94 95 90 95 85
Image Of Mom 14 12-1 14 20 35 12 78 5 85 82 86 94 92 90 82
Tanguista 3 8-1 24 * 20 33 8 43 3 80 81 84 96 93 88 81
Correntina - 6 15-1 16 * 16 75 3 54 6 74 80 82 92 84 96 80
Spirited Seacat 1 20-1 11 * 10 41 14 26 0 74 82 86 96 86 94 80
Suaveness 9 20-1 10 10 20 4 64 2 79 88 77 91 85 93 78

Top Fives
Cher Ami 100
Pretoria Light 98
Tanguista 96
Jesse's Justice 96
Spirited Seacat 96
Cher Ami 104
Pretoria Light 101
Tanguista 93
Image Of Mom 92
Sweet Exchange 90
Queen Joanne 105
Jesse's Justice 103
Snow Cone 103
Arch Nemesis 101
Dattts Our Girl 99
Cher Ami 94
Jesse's Justice 90
Pretoria Light 90
Queen Joanne 90
Snow Cone 89
Cher Ami 96
Pretoria Light 92
Banda Victoria 92
Jesse's Justice 90
Queen Joanne 90
Jesse's Justice 90
Queen Joanne 90
Dattts Our Girl 85
Snow Cone 84
Sweet Exchange 83
Banda Victoria 94
Jesse's Justice 92
Snow Cone 92
Queen Joanne 91
Dattts Our Girl 90
Cher Ami 88
Snow Cone 88
Queen Joanne 85
Arch Nemesis 85
Image Of Mom 85

Race 6 : [ Md Sp Wt ] Mile & 70 ... on Dirt ... for 2 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 23500

Speed: Da' Tara Extreme Frolic Lunch Club
Pace: Extreme Frolic Da' Tara I Am Awesome
Class: Da' Tara Extreme Frolic Lunch Club
LongShot: I Am Awesome

Race Par = 79

Da' Tara +- 8 2-1 14 * 20 71 5 100 6 84 86 0 94 92 94 86
Extreme Frolic ++ 7 3-1 18 * 8 13 0 25 3 76 82 80 88 84 96 80
Lunch Club N 5 6-1 17 * 19 28 5 20 2 75 78 0 90 85 93 78
I Am Awesome - 2 6-1 14 * 20 45 8 16 4 67 76 74 92 84 92 76
Cove Star 4 8-1 8 14 21 0 6 3 64 70 61 84 91 79 70
Papa Mia 1A 20-1 8 11 13 3 3 3 61 72 60 84 84 84 68
Concertos Song 3 10-1 11 5 21 4 11 4 66 70 66 82 86 81 67
Sir Hughes 6 5-1 14 * 10 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rexson's Halo 1 20-1 8 * 11 13 3 2 0 59 0 57 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Da' Tara 94
I Am Awesome 92
Lunch Club 90
Extreme Frolic 88
Cove Star 84
Da' Tara 92
Cove Star 91
Concertos Song 86
Lunch Club 85
Papa Mia 84
Extreme Frolic 96
Da' Tara 94
Lunch Club 93
I Am Awesome 92
Papa Mia 84
Da' Tara 86
Extreme Frolic 80
Lunch Club 78
I Am Awesome 76
Cove Star 70
Da' Tara 86
Extreme Frolic 82
Lunch Club 78
I Am Awesome 76
Papa Mia 72
Extreme Frolic 80
I Am Awesome 74
Concertos Song 66
Cove Star 61
Papa Mia 60
Extreme Frolic 82
I Am Awesome 72
Concertos Song 68
Papa Mia 68
Cove Star 66
Da' Tara 84
Extreme Frolic 76
Lunch Club 75
I Am Awesome 67
Concertos Song 66

Race 7 : [ Md 40000 ] 5 F. ... on Turf ... for 3, 4, & 5 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 18500

Speed: Chriscodey Our Sun Dealer Beware
Pace: Senor Romeo Distinctive Ridge King Jacob
Class: Chriscodey Senor Romeo Our Sun
LongShot: Distinctive Ridge King Jacob

Race Par = 77

Chriscodey +- 9 5/2 16 * 16 42 8 39 3 80 82 80 93 88 92 80
Dealer Beware +- 3 6-1 24 * 20 87 6 6 5 78 48 78 0 0 0 78
Our Sun +- 7 12-1 8 * 15 37 3 6 0 74 80 79 94 92 86 78
Noble Tiger - 6 5-1 14 19 27 0 49 5 69 78 72 91 86 90 76
Senor Romeo Nn- 11 4-1 17 * 11 302 13 100 4 73 79 76 90 88 86 74
King Jacob - 10 8-1 0 * 14 48 3 73 5 12 72 72 86 82 88 70
Count On It - 5 15-1 0 * 20 139 12 2 3 63 72 64 84 80 88 68
Distinctive Ridge - 12 12-1 11 11 27 0 23 2 63 72 73 84 82 86 68
Opus Five - 8 30-1 0 * 1 47 6 19 5 63 66 0 81 86 79 65
Trench Rat 4 12-1 7 10 6 4 9 4 57 66 67 78 81 81 62
Shahraban 2 20-1 11 * 8 27 7 5 6 8 8 25 0 0 0 25
Princely Spirit 1 20-1 14 * 11 330 13 8 0 59 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Our Sun 94
Chriscodey 93
Noble Tiger 91
Senor Romeo 90
King Jacob 86
Our Sun 92
Chriscodey 88
Senor Romeo 88
Noble Tiger 86
Opus Five 86
Chriscodey 92
Noble Tiger 90
Count On It 88
King Jacob 88
Our Sun 86
Chriscodey 80
Dealer Beware 78
Our Sun 78
Noble Tiger 76
Senor Romeo 74
Chriscodey 82
Our Sun 80
Senor Romeo 79
Noble Tiger 78
Count On It 72
Senor Romeo 75
King Jacob 72
Distinctive Ridge 72
Trench Rat 66
Count On It 64
Chriscodey 80
Our Sun 79
Dealer Beware 78
Senor Romeo 76
Distinctive Ridge 73
Chriscodey 80
Dealer Beware 78
Our Sun 74
Senor Romeo 73
Noble Tiger 69

Race 8 : [ Alw 32000s ] Mile & 70 ... on Dirt ... for Fillies 2 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 21500

Speed: Shorty Puffs Olive Oil Star Worship
Pace: Olive Oil Shorty Puffs Be My Gal
Class: Olive Oil Shorty Puffs Viva La Slew
LongShot: Viva La Slew Miracle Of Dreams

Race Par = 80

Olive Oil + 8 2-1 19 * 20 8 0 33 8 79 82 0 93 94 88 82
Shorty Puffs +- 3 3-1 13 19 36 4 74 5 77 81 59 88 94 87 81
Viva La Slew + 2 6-1 7 * 10 8 9 34 6 76 80 0 92 93 87 80
Unexpectedblessing +- 7 15-1 18 5 23 0 22 5 77 80 0 90 89 91 80
Star Worship + 1 5-1 11 * 10 20 4 100 6 73 80 74 84 87 93 80
Miracle Of Dreams n 5 8-1 14 11 9 0 35 7 74 78 0 87 97 81 78
Holly Go Lively n 6 8-1 14 8 6 0 48 5 74 78 0 88 94 84 78
Be My Gal 4 10-1 14 14 19 0 77 6 72 73 0 89 92 81 73

Top Fives
Olive Oil 93
Viva La Slew 92
Unexpectedblessing 90
Be My Gal 89
Shorty Puffs 88
Miracle Of Dreams 97
Shorty Puffs 94
Holly Go Lively 94
Olive Oil 94
Viva La Slew 93
Star Worship 93
Unexpectedblessing 91
Olive Oil 88
Viva La Slew 87
Shorty Puffs 87
Olive Oil 82
Shorty Puffs 81
Viva La Slew 80
Unexpectedblessing 80
Star Worship 80
Olive Oil 82
Shorty Puffs 81
Viva La Slew 80
Unexpectedblessing 80
Star Worship 80
Star Worship 74
Shorty Puffs 59
Viva La Slew 0
Be My Gal 0
Miracle Of Dreams 0
Miracle Of Dreams 68
Holly Go Lively 55
Viva La Slew 0
Shorty Puffs 0
Be My Gal 0
Olive Oil 79
Shorty Puffs 77
Unexpectedblessing 77
Viva La Slew 76
Miracle Of Dreams 74

Race 9 : [ Md 50000 ] Mile 1/16 ... on Turf ... for Fillies 2 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 20500

Speed: Homeroom Angel Debbie's Fast Girl Proud Mover
Pace: Debbie's Fast Girl Worldly Miss Homeroom Angel
Class: Homeroom Angel Storm Child Proud Mover
LongShot: Worldly Miss

Race Par = 69

Homeroom Angel + 2 4-1 14 * 10 14 0 20 4 58 75 78 86 85 87 72
Debbie's Fast Girl ++ 14 5/2 18 20 35 9 34 1 74 70 76 86 83 87 70
Storm Child 9 3-1 21 * 19 23 4 75 5 72 70 0 84 85 83 68
Proud Mover +- 13 2-1 19 19 35 4 74 4 67 69 69 84 85 83 68
Winterello - 11 6-1 16 * 11 30 0 22 1 67 68 0 83 80 87 67
Apple Valley Gal 12 6-1 14 9 65 13 100 4 66 67 0 82 87 79 66
Tacoma Light 6 20-1 9 * 16 19 4 16 3 64 68 0 80 82 82 64
Shegoestoeleven - 5 12-1 11 7 22 3 12 0 62 64 0 79 80 83 63
French Classic - 3 12-1 11 * 10 30 4 4 4 61 62 0 77 80 81 61
Worldly Miss - 1 20-1 13 11 35 4 7 4 60 56 56 0 0 0 56
Amanyara 4 8-1 27 * 20 44 4 5 5 61 0 0 0 0 0 0
True Jazz 7 12-1 13 * 16 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rosekris Point 8 12-1 17 * 9 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gambles List 10 12-1 14 * 14 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Homeroom Angel 86
Debbie's Fast Girl 86
Storm Child 84
Proud Mover 84
Winterello 83
Apple Valley Gal 87
Homeroom Angel 85
Storm Child 85
Proud Mover 85
Debbie's Fast Girl 83
Homeroom Angel 87
Winterello 87
Debbie's Fast Girl 87
Shegoestoeleven 83
Storm Child 83
Homeroom Angel 72
Debbie's Fast Girl 70
Storm Child 68
Proud Mover 68
Winterello 67
Homeroom Angel 75
Storm Child 70
Debbie's Fast Girl 70
Proud Mover 69
Tacoma Light 68
Debbie's Fast Girl 70
Worldly Miss 49
Homeroom Angel 0
French Classic 0
Amanyara 0
Homeroom Angel 78
Debbie's Fast Girl 76
Proud Mover 69
Worldly Miss 56
French Classic 0
Debbie's Fast Girl 74
Storm Child 72
Winterello 67
Proud Mover 67
Apple Valley Gal 66

Race 10 : [ OClm 25000n2x ] 5 1/2 F. ... on Dirt ... for Fillies and Mares 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 26500

Speed: Dixie Dreamer Chiara Preciousness
Pace: Dixie Dreamer Bianco Suave Royalty
Class: Dixie Dreamer Chiara Rodeo Drive
LongShot: Suave Royalty Chiara

Race Par = 85

Dixie Dreamer +- 5 5-1 27 * 11 154 8 29 0 86 94 77 100 98 92 90
Bianco + 1 5/2 16 19 19 0 44 3 78 86 0 100 94 92 86
Rodeo Drive +- 1A 5/2 16 * 19 45 5 100 1 77 86 0 96 97 87 84
Chiara ++ 7 6-1 27 * 10 15 4 74 2 79 90 90 96 95 89 84
Suave Royalty NN 2 10-1 14 15 19 6 58 3 80 84 84 94 96 87 83
Preciousness ++- 8 10-1 22 * 16 30 4 11 0 74 90 90 94 88 93 81
Twiceasbeautiful 3 8-1 24 * 14 20 4 64 3 78 82 0 90 86 92 78
Silver Envoy ++- 4 6-1 28 * 20 41 4 94 3 50 90 90 84 94 74 68
Labadeel 6 3-1 23 * 20 128 8 59 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Bianco 100
Dixie Dreamer 100
Rodeo Drive 96
Chiara 96
Preciousness 94
Dixie Dreamer 98
Rodeo Drive 97
Suave Royalty 96
Chiara 95
Silver Envoy 94
Preciousness 93
Twiceasbeautiful 92
Bianco 92
Dixie Dreamer 92
Chiara 89
Dixie Dreamer 90
Bianco 86
Rodeo Drive 84
Chiara 84
Suave Royalty 83
Dixie Dreamer 94
Silver Envoy 90
Chiara 90
Preciousness 90
Bianco 86
Silver Envoy 90
Chiara 90
Preciousness 90
Suave Royalty 84
Dixie Dreamer 77
Twiceasbeautiful 84
Bianco 82
Dixie Dreamer 78
Preciousness 76
Chiara 40
Dixie Dreamer 86
Suave Royalty 80
Chiara 79
Twiceasbeautiful 78
Bianco 78

Race 11 : [ SonicGray50k ] Mile 1/16 ... on Dirt ... for Fillies and Mares 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 50000

Speed: Amazing Speed Running Lass Cat Can Do
Pace: Running Lass Gadolinium Amazing Speed
Class: Running Lass Cat Can Do Amazing Speed
LongShot: Gadolinium

Race Par = 88

Running Lass ++ 5 5/2 15 14 14 0 35 7 86 90 90 99 98 92 90
Amazing Speed +++ 4 3-1 11 11 14 5 100 8 84 92 92 89 93 96 89
Cat Can Do ++ 3 5-1 11 20 28 4 84 2 78 90 90 93 96 92 88
Saffronista ++ 6 6-1 17 19 28 4 32 0 84 88 88 92 93 95 88
Gadolinium ++ 2 6-1 0 11 14 0 51 2 82 88 88 96 93 94 87
Mia's Reflection NN- 7 12-1 8 * 11 28 3 27 2 80 87 87 92 92 92 84
Leap In The Sun nn- 1 4-1 16 20 64 5 50 3 80 86 86 92 92 92 84

Top Fives
Running Lass 99
Gadolinium 96
Cat Can Do 93
Saffronista 92
Mia's Reflection 92
Running Lass 98
Cat Can Do 96
Gadolinium 93
Amazing Speed 93
Saffronista 93
Amazing Speed 96
Saffronista 95
Gadolinium 94
Cat Can Do 92
Running Lass 92
Running Lass 90
Amazing Speed 89
Cat Can Do 88
Saffronista 88
Gadolinium 87
Amazing Speed 92
Cat Can Do 90
Running Lass 90
Gadolinium 88
Saffronista 88
Amazing Speed 92
Cat Can Do 90
Running Lass 90
Gadolinium 88
Saffronista 88
Running Lass 88
Mia's Reflection 88
Cat Can Do 86
Saffronista 86
Leap In The Sun 86
Running Lass 86
Amazing Speed 84
Saffronista 84
Gadolinium 82
Mia's Reflection 80

Race 12 : [ Md 25000 ] Mile & 70 ... on Dirt ... for Fillies 2 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 15500

Speed: Twas All A Dream Schill Schutz And Wheels
Pace: Schill Twas All A Dream Ms. Luvjoy
Class: Twas All A Dream Schill Schutz And Wheels
LongShot: Schutz And Wheels

Race Par = 69

Schill +n- 3 3-1 15 20 22 0 14 5 66 70 67 84 87 83 70
Twas All A Dream + 5 4-1 11 7 12 5 78 3 69 73 58 86 82 88 70
Schutz And Wheels N- 4 12-1 8 * 11 22 0 9 1 67 68 0 84 80 88 68
Southbound Lane 2 15-1 11 * 11 12 5 12 4 61 62 0 78 80 82 62
Ms. Luvjoy 8 6-1 14 * 16 16 0 17 6 59 62 0 77 82 79 61
Awesome Frolic - 7 5-1 17 19 43 4 100 6 59 60 0 76 83 77 60
Bootsie Mcginnis 6 20-1 9 * 15 32 3 37 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bastion Of Style 1 2-1 14 14 58 9 74 6 69 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Twas All A Dream 86
Schill 84
Schutz And Wheels 84
Southbound Lane 78
Ms. Luvjoy 77
Schill 87
Awesome Frolic 83
Twas All A Dream 82
Ms. Luvjoy 82
Southbound Lane 80
Schutz And Wheels 88
Twas All A Dream 88
Schill 83
Southbound Lane 82
Ms. Luvjoy 79
Schill 70
Twas All A Dream 70
Schutz And Wheels 68
Southbound Lane 62
Ms. Luvjoy 61
Twas All A Dream 73
Schill 70
Schutz And Wheels 68
Southbound Lane 62
Ms. Luvjoy 62
Schill 67
Twas All A Dream 58
Southbound Lane 0
Schutz And Wheels 0
Bootsie Mcginnis 0
Ms. Luvjoy 60
Southbound Lane 0
Schill 0
Schutz And Wheels 0
Twas All A Dream 0
Twas All A Dream 69
Bastion Of Style 69
Schutz And Wheels 67
Schill 66
Southbound Lane 61