Philadelphia Park

December 14 , 2008

Fast Track Simulcapping

Ratings and Data

* Jockey* = change
# Program numberLRLast Race speed rating
ML Morning LineB2Avg Best 2 races, last 10
Tr Trainer Win PctTRTurf Rating
DRDistance Rating
DLR Days since last raceRPRace Pace Avg 2 pacelines
FW Furlongs worked 3 weeksEPEarly Pace Avg 2 pacelines
AER Average Earnings RatioLPLate Pace Avg 2 pacelines
QS Quirin Speed Points (0 to 8)FTSFinal Time Speed Avg 2 pacelines

Contender Algorithm Factors
Speed : FTS, B2, DR or TR, and RTG
Pace : FTS, RP, EP or LP, DR or TR
Class : RP or TR, AER, and ML

Race 1 : [ Md 12500 ] Mile & 70 ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 18000

Speed: Open Sleigh Enlightened Cat Pointment
Pace: Enlightened Cat Open Sleigh Flynnstone
Class: Open Sleigh Pointment Enlightened Cat
LongShot: Trapper's Way Flynnstone

Race Par = 71

6 Open Sleigh Alvarado R* 17 Preciado G 14 ++ 5/2 32 4 95 3 67 88 76 88 88 92 80 72
11 Enlightened Cat Carmouche 19 Aristone P 14 + 5-1 13 0 72 5 58 72 58 70 84 85 87 72
8 Edikit Hampshire * 11 White Dona 9 +- 10-1 27 0 12 8 69 71 0 42 87 88 83 71
12 Pointment Mariano Ab* 18 Somers Cat 0 N 4-1 29 4 100 3 57 70 30 0 86 89 81 70
7 Flynnstone Torres Ric 3 Kinchen He 7 10-1 13 0 21 3 53 68 52 0 84 80 88 68
5 Trapper's Way Blake J L 6 Herlinger 0 20-1 13 4 27 2 51 66 60 0 82 80 86 66
2 Supah Wise Mino O A 0 Bouchard L 5 20-1 13 5 27 8 20 0 57 0 0 0 0 0
3 Blackhawk Rising Salgado An* 13 White Dona 9 20-1 13 0 24 3 49 0 62 47 0 0 0 0
4 Lucky Citizen Cohen Davi 16 Dutrow Ant 24 5-1 29 0 20 8 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Ionic Hemmings T 7 Krebs Stev 8 15-1 21 0 11 4 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Baby Boy Scorese Lynch F * 12 Allen Rand 11 15-1 14 0 11 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Not Fade Away Arroyo Ang 8 Preciado G 14 15-1 22 0 11 4 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Open Sleigh 88
Edikit 87
Pointment 86
Flynnstone 84
Enlightened Cat 84
Open Sleigh 92
Pointment 89
Edikit 88
Enlightened Cat 85
Trapper's Way 80
Flynnstone 88
Enlightened Cat 87
Trapper's Way 86
Edikit 83
Pointment 81
Open Sleigh 72
Enlightened Cat 72
Edikit 71
Pointment 70
Flynnstone 68
Open Sleigh 88
Enlightened Cat 72
Edikit 71
Pointment 70
Flynnstone 68
Open Sleigh 76
Blackhawk Rising 62
Trapper's Way 60
Enlightened Cat 58
Supah Wise 57
Open Sleigh 88
Enlightened Cat 70
Blackhawk Rising 47
Edikit 42
Supah Wise 0
Edikit 69
Open Sleigh 67
Enlightened Cat 58
Pointment 57
Flynnstone 53

Race 2 : [ Clm 7500n2l ] Mile & 70 ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 16000

Speed: More Cowbell L B's Big Red Elegant Dancer
Pace: My Son M J Artytheonemanparty L B's Big Red
Class: More Cowbell Elegant Dancer L B's Big Red
LongShot: Rhythm With Him

Race Par = 75

7 L B's Big Red Flores J L* 16 Estrada Eb 20 +- 8-1 36 4 68 6 69 78 52 0 92 90 87 77
3 Rejoice Royce Alvarado R* 17 Crowell Su 5 + 6-1 4 4 67 1 69 78 68 76 88 86 90 76
4 Artytheonemanparty Carmouche * 19 Violette R 15 +- 5/2 28 0 100 8 75 76 68 0 90 92 84 76
5 More Cowbell Prado A J 10 Harigeorgi 5 + 5-1 19 0 60 0 67 84 70 82 91 87 89 76
8 Elegant Dancer Lynch F * 12 Farro Patr 10 + 5-1 19 0 75 2 63 79 70 0 91 88 88 76
12 My Son M J Rivera Edw* 13 Canet Juli 16 + 10-1 12 4 37 5 77 77 58 0 92 86 90 76
2 Rhythm With Him Joubert Je* 7 Shavelson 5 ++- 12-1 71 4 38 3 74 77 75 0 87 87 88 75
6 Chug More Bud Salgado An 13 Frangella 6 N 20-1 8 0 25 0 64 74 51 0 88 81 91 72
9 Bedminster Cintron Al 11 Vega Richa 16 N 12-1 16 0 88 8 72 74 0 75 86 91 80 71
11 Ithastobesunny Blake J L 6 Meares Fra 3 20-1 16 0 6 4 68 72 0 0 84 40 0 68
1 Frankie O's Hope Carter T 2 Nicholson 8 20-1 20 0 61 2 64 70 58 0 80 82 82 64
10 J D Blesshisheart Freites Al* 5 Kite Sandr 9 20-1 148 4 22 0 52 0 59 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
L B's Big Red 92
My Son M J 92
More Cowbell 91
Elegant Dancer 91
Artytheonemanparty 90
Artytheonemanparty 92
Bedminster 91
L B's Big Red 90
Elegant Dancer 88
Rhythm With Him 87
Chug More Bud 91
Rejoice Royce 90
My Son M J 90
More Cowbell 89
Rhythm With Him 88
L B's Big Red 77
Rejoice Royce 76
Artytheonemanparty 76
More Cowbell 76
Elegant Dancer 76
More Cowbell 84
Elegant Dancer 79
Rejoice Royce 78
L B's Big Red 78
Rhythm With Him 77
Rhythm With Him 75
More Cowbell 70
Elegant Dancer 70
Rejoice Royce 68
Artytheonemanparty 68
More Cowbell 82
Rejoice Royce 76
Bedminster 75
Rhythm With Him 0
Artytheonemanparty 0
My Son M J 77
Artytheonemanparty 75
Rhythm With Him 74
Bedminster 72
Rejoice Royce 69

Race 3 : [ Md 25000 ] Mile 1/8 ... on Dirt ... for 2 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 26000

Speed: Snuck Around Split City Tough
Pace: Snuck Around Split City Big Green
Class: Snuck Around Split City Big Green
LongShot: Split City

Race Par = 75

2 Snuck Around Alvarado R 17 Seeger Rob 22 + 3-1 22 0 46 5 73 79 0 0 90 90 86 76
6 Split City Carmouche * 19 Pletcher T 19 + 6-1 53 14 8 6 76 76 0 0 89 86 90 76
8 Big Green Rose J 22 Servis Joh 15 8-1 22 0 100 8 66 71 0 0 84 93 78 71
7 Tough Vega H * 16 Whylie Her 2 + 15-1 22 0 37 0 40 75 0 0 84 88 80 68
11 Mikey's Buddy Torres Ric* 3 Riviezzo R 5 20-1 22 0 11 0 47 68 0 0 84 80 88 68
10 Haramati King E L J* 14 Pletcher T 19 5/2 46 9 29 8 63 64 0 53 80 94 70 64
1 Man Of The Unknown Cohen Davi* 16 Levine Bru 26 - 5-1 29 0 5 1 68 63 0 0 79 86 77 63
3 Can't Stand Losing Pennington* 18 Schettino 5 12-1 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Another Manuel R. Rocco J S * 15 Vazquez Ju 12 20-1 22 0 3 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Allegheny Fog Joubert Je* 7 Napravnik 3 15-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Big Phantom Cortez A C* 10 Petrozza F 7 15-1 22 4 14 6 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Snuck Around 90
Split City 89
Tough 84
Big Green 84
Mikey's Buddy 84
Haramati 94
Big Green 93
Snuck Around 90
Tough 88
Split City 86
Split City 90
Mikey's Buddy 88
Snuck Around 86
Tough 80
Big Green 78
Snuck Around 76
Split City 76
Big Green 71
Tough 68
Mikey's Buddy 68
Snuck Around 79
Split City 76
Tough 75
Big Green 71
Mikey's Buddy 68
Snuck Around 0
Can't Stand Losing 0
Another Manuel R. 0
Allegheny Fog 0
Split City 0
Haramati 53
Snuck Around 0
Can't Stand Losing 0
Another Manuel R. 0
Allegheny Fog 0
Split City 76
Snuck Around 73
Man Of The Unknown 68
Big Green 66
Haramati 63

Race 4 : [ Alw 25000s ] Mile & 70 ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 26000

Speed: Spridal Fox In The Box Basil St John
Pace: Basil St John Fox In The Box Clay County
Class: Clay County Spridal Basil St John
LongShot: Fox In The Box

Race Par = 84

7 Spridal Barber R 17 Hunter F E 10 +- 9/2 43 0 48 5 86 86 73 81 96 91 95 86
8 Basil St John Carmouche * 19 Estrada Eb 20 ++- 5/2 28 0 74 6 84 86 86 0 94 101 84 85
6 Clay County Cohen Davi* 16 Jacobson D 18 ++ 5-1 22 0 92 4 72 86 83 0 92 91 93 84
1 Fox In The Box Pennington* 18 Aristone P 14 ++ 8-1 12 0 29 8 85 89 84 0 92 94 88 82
5 Lookmeintheeye Zayas H * 2 Aro Michae 7 ++ 10-1 14 4 54 0 76 87 84 75 92 92 88 80
2 Savacool Mariano Ab* 18 Reed Canda 15 - 4-1 26 0 100 5 78 80 80 0 93 95 85 80
3 Funny Buck Alvarado R* 17 Mick Steph 12 + 5-1 16 0 45 5 78 84 78 0 92 95 83 78
4 Kentucky Warrior King E L J 14 Ashby Lynn 6 10-1 13 0 56 0 75 81 80 78 90 84 94 78
1A A Fleeting Memory Rivera Edw* 13 Aristone P 14 8-1 15 0 24 2 68 78 73 0 92 89 87 76

Top Fives
Spridal 96
Basil St John 94
Savacool 93
Funny Buck 92
Fox In The Box 92
Basil St John 101
Funny Buck 95
Savacool 95
Fox In The Box 94
Lookmeintheeye 92
Spridal 95
Kentucky Warrior 94
Clay County 93
Fox In The Box 88
Lookmeintheeye 88
Spridal 86
Basil St John 85
Clay County 84
Fox In The Box 82
Lookmeintheeye 80
Fox In The Box 89
Lookmeintheeye 87
Clay County 86
Spridal 86
Basil St John 86
Basil St John 86
Fox In The Box 84
Lookmeintheeye 84
Clay County 83
Kentucky Warrior 80
Spridal 81
Kentucky Warrior 78
Lookmeintheeye 75
Funny Buck 0
Fox In The Box 0
Spridal 86
Fox In The Box 85
Basil St John 84
Funny Buck 78
Savacool 78

Race 5 : [ Md Sp Wt ] 6 Fs. ... on Dirt ... for 2 Yr Olds / Purse: $ 42000

Speed: Mr Magenta Adduce Fissato
Pace: Adduce Fissato Mr Magenta
Class: Mr Magenta Adduce Fissato
LongShot: Adduce

Race Par = 75

7 Mr Magenta Hampshire * 11 Perkins Be 18 +- 3-1 125 9 100 6 81 81 0 0 90 93 88 81
2 Adduce Vega H * 16 Cash Russe 6 ++ 6-1 20 0 80 1 76 76 75 0 92 91 85 76
3 Fissato Molina V H* 12 Seewald Al 18 ++ 5-1 20 3 29 5 70 75 75 0 91 90 85 75
5 Dakota Dunes Mariano Ab* 18 Trombetta 22 NN 4-1 33 9 26 0 74 74 73 0 90 91 83 74
11 Hello Handsome King E L J* 14 Picon Juan 10 - 20-1 85 5 60 0 70 70 0 0 86 80 90 70
1 Aqueous Mojica R J 12 Jackson Br 12 12-1 20 4 3 1 68 68 0 0 84 91 77 68
4 Snow Hearted Kifer Cari 7 Patti Gale 9 30-1 20 7 3 0 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Larry Loves Mary Rodriguez * 12 Turchi Fra 7 15-1 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Empire Express Vaz E * 14 Divitto De 7 12-1 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Hello Lover Alvarado R* 17 Sleeter Ke 12 12-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Moving Violation Rose J * 22 Motion H G 17 10-1 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Artist Moon Carmouche * 19 Trombetta 22 8-1 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Adduce 92
Fissato 91
Dakota Dunes 90
Mr Magenta 90
Hello Handsome 86
Mr Magenta 93
Adduce 91
Dakota Dunes 91
Aqueous 91
Fissato 90
Hello Handsome 90
Mr Magenta 88
Adduce 85
Fissato 85
Dakota Dunes 83
Mr Magenta 81
Adduce 76
Fissato 75
Dakota Dunes 74
Hello Handsome 70
Mr Magenta 81
Adduce 76
Fissato 75
Dakota Dunes 74
Hello Handsome 70
Adduce 75
Fissato 75
Dakota Dunes 73
Snow Hearted 0
Larry Loves Mary 0
Adduce 0
Fissato 0
Snow Hearted 0
Dakota Dunes 0
Larry Loves Mary 0
Mr Magenta 81
Adduce 76
Dakota Dunes 74
Fissato 70
Hello Handsome 70

Race 6 : [ Clm 20000n2y ] 6 1/2 F. ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 26000

Speed: Stole Another Thanks Dubya Slate
Pace: Stole Another Thanks Dubya Slate
Class: Stole Another Thanks Dubya Slate
LongShot: Stole Another

Race Par = 89

6 Stole Another King E L J* 14 Aitchison 15 ++ 10-1 18 0 42 7 100 99 98 0 104 104 92 96
10 Thanks Dubya Carmouche 19 Hooper Tim 19 ++- 5/2 43 0 95 6 89 96 92 0 98 101 89 90
2 Slate Pennington 18 Anderson W 10 ++ 6-1 20 0 63 2 86 94 93 0 99 94 93 87
8 Ernie's Choice Ramos H G * 13 Morrison J 15 N- 12-1 38 3 50 2 85 88 0 0 94 92 95 87
4 Lucky Memento Rose J 22 Sheppard J 17 + 8-1 21 0 50 0 79 90 82 0 96 92 94 86
5 Rolled Up Flores J L* 16 Coletti Ed 12 +- 8-1 29 0 73 0 77 90 0 80 94 88 96 84
7 Jackie Lad Lynch F * 12 Vega Richa 16 - 4-1 170 5 100 3 83 84 0 0 90 96 86 82
1 Red Planet Mariano Ab* 18 Thompson J 7 - 8-1 29 0 95 3 77 86 0 0 94 98 84 82
3 Red Hot Dawn Prado A J * 10 Harigeorgi 5 ++ 10-1 14 4 81 0 78 96 96 0 94 88 92 80
9 Water Cannon Lopez C E * 8 Berkeley C 0 10-1 36 5 23 1 82 82 0 80 92 88 90 78

Top Fives
Stole Another 104
Slate 99
Thanks Dubya 98
Lucky Memento 96
Red Hot Dawn 94
Stole Another 104
Thanks Dubya 101
Red Planet 98
Jackie Lad 96
Slate 94
Rolled Up 96
Ernie's Choice 95
Lucky Memento 94
Slate 93
Red Hot Dawn 92
Stole Another 96
Thanks Dubya 90
Slate 87
Ernie's Choice 87
Lucky Memento 86
Stole Another 99
Red Hot Dawn 96
Thanks Dubya 96
Slate 94
Lucky Memento 90
Stole Another 98
Red Hot Dawn 96
Slate 93
Thanks Dubya 92
Lucky Memento 82
Rolled Up 80
Water Cannon 80
Slate 0
Red Hot Dawn 0
Lucky Memento 0
Stole Another 100
Thanks Dubya 89
Slate 86
Ernie's Choice 85
Jackie Lad 83

Race 7 : [ Alw 46000n2x ] 6 Fs. ... on Dirt ... for 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 46000

Speed: Laysh Laysh Laysh Port Royal Big Brian T
Pace: Vigors Storm Port Royal Marquis Jet
Class: Laysh Laysh Laysh Port Royal My Golden Opinion
LongShot: Port Royal

Race Par = 90

8 Big Brian T Cohen Davi* 16 Dutrow Ant 24 ++ 12-1 70 12 10 7 80 92 91 89 100 100 92 92
12 Marquis Jet Carmouche * 19 Trombetta 22 + 5/2 21 0 66 8 87 91 85 92 98 96 95 91
2 Port Royal Mojica R J 12 Klesaris S 25 ++ 10-1 20 0 27 4 86 94 93 88 102 96 94 90
5 Laysh Laysh Laysh Mariano Ab* 18 Jacobson D 18 ++- 6-1 102 0 56 3 85 99 99 78 99 97 93 90
6 Energy Center Arce Josue* 20 Lake Scott 22 ++ 8-1 33 3 32 7 81 92 90 0 99 103 87 90
11 Iron Bull Rose J * 22 Grove Chri 19 ++ 5-1 48 9 100 4 91 90 89 0 95 94 96 90
1 Algonquin's Own Flores J L* 16 Hooper Tim 19 ++ 8-1 21 0 29 6 85 93 90 0 98 98 91 89
10 Vigors Storm King E L J 14 Levine Car 11 + 8-1 20 4 22 6 89 91 68 74 100 106 82 88
4 My Golden Opinion Cotto P L * 11 Barker Edw 11 ++ 20-1 24 4 17 0 78 96 96 0 99 92 95 87
3 Gameboye Rivera Edw 13 Bedard Ala 9 20-1 20 0 16 0 87 86 85 0 99 96 90 86
7 Bronze Medal Vaz E * 14 Barkley Je 17 ++- 12-1 42 4 44 2 80 92 92 76 94 93 91 84
9 Monsoor Prado A J 10 Velazquez 15 - 15-1 187 11 60 0 69 87 80 68 92 92 90 82

Top Fives
Port Royal 102
Big Brian T 100
Vigors Storm 100
Gameboye 99
My Golden Opinion 99
Vigors Storm 106
Energy Center 103
Big Brian T 100
Algonquin's Own 98
Laysh Laysh Laysh 97
Iron Bull 96
My Golden Opinion 95
Marquis Jet 95
Port Royal 94
Laysh Laysh Laysh 93
Big Brian T 92
Marquis Jet 91
Port Royal 90
Laysh Laysh Laysh 90
Energy Center 90
Laysh Laysh Laysh 99
My Golden Opinion 96
Port Royal 94
Algonquin's Own 93
Energy Center 92
Laysh Laysh Laysh 99
My Golden Opinion 96
Port Royal 93
Bronze Medal 92
Big Brian T 91
Marquis Jet 92
Big Brian T 89
Port Royal 88
Laysh Laysh Laysh 78
Bronze Medal 76
Iron Bull 91
Vigors Storm 89
Gameboye 87
Marquis Jet 87
Port Royal 86

Race 8 : [ Md 12500 ] 6 Fs. ... on Dirt ... for Fillies and Mares 3 Yr Olds & Up / Purse: $ 17000

Speed: Cameo Cutie Yieldtothequeen Dark Streak
Pace: Yieldtothequeen Cameo Cutie Love Given
Class: Cameo Cutie Yieldtothequeen Dark Streak
LongShot: Love Given

Race Par = 70

1 Yieldtothequeen Alvarado R 17 Aristone P 14 +++ 5/2 15 0 100 6 66 76 76 0 92 90 86 76
3 Cameo Cutie Hampshire * 11 Mosco Robe 13 + 15-1 32 5 46 3 66 94 58 0 87 86 85 71
4 Dark Streak Lynch F * 12 Thompson J 7 ++- 4-1 29 0 65 5 70 75 69 74 84 84 84 68
12 Love Given Ramos H G 13 Pollara Fr 20 nn- 6-1 36 4 51 0 70 68 68 0 84 87 81 68
6 The Naughty Girl Joubert Je* 7 Farro Patr 10 + 20-1 15 0 14 0 58 72 59 72 82 80 86 66
2 Libbys Prospect Mino O A 0 Bouchard L 5 20-1 75 9 12 1 42 0 44 0 0 0 0 0
5 Saratoga Lass Cortez A C* 10 Velazquez 15 20-1 159 11 8 4 62 0 55 0 0 0 0 0
7 Cute Z Gaitor Torres Ric* 3 Rowan Stev 8 15-1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Fabulous Phillie Zayas H * 2 Buchko Jos 12 20-1 16 0 9 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Flowing Water Freites Al 5 Dotolo Dav 8 12-1 16 0 67 1 48 0 0 72 0 0 0 0
10 Calling Georgia Molina V H* 12 Mosco Robe 13 5-1 315 9 36 6 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Agt Nintynine Rivera Edw* 13 Jeannont D 8 12-1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Top Fives
Yieldtothequeen 92
Cameo Cutie 87
Dark Streak 84
Love Given 84
The Naughty Girl 82
Yieldtothequeen 90
Love Given 87
Cameo Cutie 86
Dark Streak 84
The Naughty Girl 80
The Naughty Girl 86
Yieldtothequeen 86
Cameo Cutie 85
Dark Streak 84
Love Given 81
Yieldtothequeen 76
Cameo Cutie 71
Dark Streak 68
Love Given 68
The Naughty Girl 66
Cameo Cutie 94
Yieldtothequeen 76
Dark Streak 75
The Naughty Girl 72
Love Given 68
Yieldtothequeen 76
Dark Streak 69
Love Given 68
The Naughty Girl 59
Cameo Cutie 58
Dark Streak 74
The Naughty Girl 72
Flowing Water 72
Libbys Prospect 0
Cameo Cutie 0
Dark Streak 70
Love Given 70
Cameo Cutie 66
Yieldtothequeen 66
Saratoga Lass 62