nr = Race lacks in statistical info
qc = Qualified Contender selected races
3/8 = 3 QCs of 8 Starters, etc
ls = Long Shot Selection
c(x)= Consensus (pts)0-12 of all selectors
r(x)= FTS ranking
fav = Odds less than 2 to 1 (no hi-lite)
Exacta Boxes
$24 = 4 horses
$12 = 3 horses
$ 4 = 2 horses
To read about FTS Qualified Contenders Click Here
To read about October, 2000 results Click Here
To read about September, 2000 results Click Here
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 wboxr1234 r1 7.20 r4 r2 111.00 795.20
2 wboxr123 r1 10.40 r2 r3 24.60 429.70 47.00
3 wboxc123 c2 21.00 c3 140.80 497.20
4 wboxr1234 r3 fav r2 r4 fav 52.80 145.40
5 w qc c3 7.20 r1 c2 23.80 67.80 121.00
6 wboxr1234 r2 fav r1 r4 fav 43.00 28.80
7 wboxcons r3 14.60 fav r1 58.20 112.20 173.20
8 wboxr1234 r2 23.00 r4 515.00 16,245.50
9 wboxr12 r1 7.40 r2 16.20 47.00 497.20
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for April 22, 2023
Bay Meadows
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6 $ AllPlc
1 wboxr1234 r4 6.60 r3 r2 32.00 80.40
2 wboxr1234 r4 20.60 c1 r1 76.00 160.00 76.00
3 w r1 r1 7.20 63.40 399.60
4 wboxr123 r2 fav r3 23.80 12.60 161.20
5 wboxr12 r2 15.60 116.80
6 wboxr12 r2 7.20 r1 22.80 60.00 116.20
8 wr1 r1 7.00
9 wboxr12 r2 5.60 r1 13.80
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 wp r1 r1 5.40
2 wp c12 c12 11.00 c12 5.60
3 wboxr123 r2 20.40 r3 r1 48.40 180.40
5 wboxr12 r2 7.00 r1 30.00
6 wqcr1234 r1 6.40 r4 r2 24.00 73.80
7 wr123Aent ent 13.60 r3 r1 172.60 849.40 204.60
8 wboxr12 r2 8.40 265.60
9 wboxr123 r1 38.40 r3 352.80
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for April 18, 2023
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 wboxc123 c3 9.20 c2 33.40
3 w r1 r1 6.60
4 w r123 r3 9.80 r2 26.40
5 wboxr1234 r4 fav r1 r2 21.80 50.20 116.40
6 wbox r123 r3 6.80 r1 46.00 98.00
7 w c1 c1 8.60 56.20
8 w c12 c2 52.00 19.80 2251.00 5/6 242.10
9 wboxr1234 r2 fav r1 r4 r3 65.40 355.80 2073.60 769.20
pk4 2474.70
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for April 8, 2024
Santa Anita
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6 $ AllPlc
1 wboxr1234 r2 6.20 r1 r4 52.60 126.20
2 wboxr1234 r2 fav r1 r4 8.00 34.40 16.80
3 wboxc12 c2 fav c1 fav 32.40
4 wboxc123 r3 26.00 r1 c2 95.40 759.60 53.60 90.00
5 fav 241.00
6 wboxr123 r3 9.60 r2 r1 102.60 304.80 1107.20
7 wboxr12 r1 fav r2 16.40 26.00 148.60
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for April 6, 2024
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 wboxr123 r3 7.20 r2 r1 40.20 73.40
2 wboxr123 r3 fav r1 r2 19.40 73.20 23.80
3 wboxr123 r3 7.40 r2 r1 29.60 246.40
4 w r1 r1 fav 74.20
5 w boxc12 c2 11.40 c1 34.20
6 wbor1234 r1 fav r3 r4 20.40 141.60
7 wboxc123 c3 11.80 c2 28.20
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for March 11, 2024
Gulf Stream Park
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
5 w r1 r1 12.80
6 w ls ls 11.40
7 wboxr123 r3 17.60 r2 r1 37.00 242.00 773.80
8 w r1 r1 fav 310.80
Santa Anita
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6 $ AllPlc
1 wboxr12 r1ls 19.40 r2 78.20
2 w r1 r1 fav 43.40
4 boxr123 r2 8.20 r3 32.80
5 wboxr123 r2 7.30 r3 24.00
6 w r1 r1 5.40 129.60
8 wboxr123 r3 8.00 r2 r1 75.40 271.60
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for March 8, 2024
Gulf Stream Park
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 w r1 r1 fav
3 w c10r2 c10 7.60 r2 41.40
7 qc r2 22.00 r1 r2 79.80 283.00
10 w r1 r1 37.80
Santa Anita
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6 $ AllPlc
3 wboxr123 r2 10.80 r3 r1 94.40 283.00
4 wboxr1234 r3 20.60 r1r4r2 113.00 1595.40 15464.60
8 wr123 r3 25.20 r3 r2 82.40
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for February 23 2001
Golden Gate Fields
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6 $ AllPlc
1 wboxr12 r1 fav r2 3.60 14.60
2 wboxcons c12 fav c4 3.60 12.60 fav
3 wboxr123 r3 10.30 r1 fav 22.00 22.40 52.80
4 wboxr12l+ ls 32.00 r3 r2 134.60 568.80 146.60 389.00
5 wboxr123 r1 6.40 r3 r2 34.60 67.00 131.80 1093.00
6 w fav r5 5.20 r1 24.40 526.20
7 wboxcons c5 6.20 r2 ls 13.40 89.20 21.80 93.80
8 wboxr123 r3 9.60 r2 r1 won won won won 6/6 8/8
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 wboxcons c1 99.50
2 wfav fav 5.20 266.50
3 wboxcons r4 14.80 r1 r2 28.00
4 wbixr123 r2 14.40 r4 18.00 195.50 408.00
5 wboxr123 r2 47.40 r3 248.00 2262.00
6 wboxr1234 r3 24.60 r2 r4 76.50 195.00 3014.00
7 wqc 4/8 c9 9.60 c1 c4 23.40 70.00 2374.00
8 wboxcons c2 10.00 c7 27.60 606.00
9 wboxr123 r1 6.90 r3 r2 51.00 153.50
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for February 9, 2024
Golden Gate Fields
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6 $ AllPlc
1 wboxcons c6 6.40 c12 18.60
2 wboxr123 r2 6.20 r3 9.00 43.80 27.00
3 wboxr12 r2 7.40 r1 34.40 268.20
4 wboxr123 r2 9.40 r1 r3 22.00 94.20 66.80 283.60
5 wboxr123 r1 11.20 r3 r2 59.00 148.40 58.80 298.60
6 wpsr123 c4 r2
7 wp r1 fav
8 wbor12 r1 8.80 r2 25.20 12.20
Gulf Stream Park
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 wboxr123 r3 12.60
2 wboxr12 r2 8.60 r1 34.60 53.40
3 NR
4 w boxr1234 r3 80.00 r4 29.00 1162.20
5 NR
6 wboxcons c8 5.00 c6 c2 19.40 121,80
7 wboxr123 c7r3 32.40 r2c4 467.40
8 wboxr1234 r1 5.00 r3 r4 12.20 50.20 375.40
9 wboxcons c9 7.00 c19 c5 38.40 180.40 497.00
10 wboxr123 r2 21.80 r1 r3 71.80 1633.20
Santa Anita
Race Play-- FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 $ allplc
1 wboxcons c7 23.00
2 wboxcons c12 fav c8 c0
3 wboxcons c8 7.00 c1 c12 37.00 89.00 13.20 173.20
4 wboxr123 fav r1
5 w cons c12 9.40 41.60 153.00
6 wboxr1234 c10 9.60 r2 r3ls 60.20 880.00 2505.60 204.30
7 wboxcons r1 fav r2 c8 13.20
8 wboxr123 r3 44.00 799.40 8/8 3297.20
2 $ PICK 6 c8 fav c12 c10 c10 c4 6/6 $21,204.80
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for February 4, 2024
Golden Gate Fields
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6 AllPK
1 wboxr1,2 r1 6.40 r2 22.80
2 wr1 r1 8.40 27.40
3 w boxcons c5 6.60 58.70
4 wboxr123 r2 fav r1 r3 26.00 82.80 26.80 67.20
5 w boxcons c4 5.40 45.40 154.20
6 w cons12 fav 11.40 93.00
7 qc 4/8 r4 14.40 136.40 493.60 44.60 186.40
8 wboxr1-4 r4 27.40 r3 r1 308.20 834.40 253.60 675.40
9 wboxr1-3 r3 14.20 203.40 1347.60 2626.60 5/6
1888.50 8/9
Gulf Stream Park
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1-5 r1-2 5 wins fav
6 wboxr1-3 r1 12.40 r2 r3 49.20 107.40 827.20
7 c10 c8 c10 8.40 c8 12.80 116.60 608.00
8 wbox cons c1 10.80 25.40 783.20
9 w cons c7r1 31.40 c5 187.20 3085.00
10 wbox cons c10 fav 15.20 692.00
11 w r1-2 c6 8.60 17.60 418.60 4109.60
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for January 28, 2024
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 w-dblr12 r1 fav r2
2 wboxr123 r3 9.90 r3 31.20
3 qc 3/8 r1 16.40 r3 r2 79.00 176.00
4 wbox-cons c11 19.60 c3 c6 121.00 857.00 460.50
5 wboxr123 r2 102.50 r1 r3 471.50 1940.00 653.00 7818.00
6 wboxcons r2 15.40 c7 r3 82.00 306.00 3604.00
7 wboxr12 r2 8.00 r2 21.00 5174.00
8 qc 3/7 c12 9.70 r3 311.00
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for January 27, 2024
Golden Gate Fields
Favorites and Consensus picks win consistently first 8 Races
9th Race ls #3 paid 54.40 17.60 8.80
top EP 5 11.80 5.60 253.20 Ext
fts r2 1A 9.20 2549.99 Trf
r1 9 9935.00 Spf
Gulf Stream Park
9th Race LP2 c4 r3 #8 paid 84.40 40.00 17.60
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 ls-c box ls 33.20 c9 c6 161.50 383.00
2 fav 98.50
3 fav-cbox fav c10 c1 11.60 58.50
4 r1-cbo fav c2 13.80 42.20
5 cbox c12 fav c1 c7 18.80
6 fav
7 qc 4/8 c9 6.20 c3 25.00 47.40
8 w c10 9.30 145.00 1310.00 6/6
9 boxc c8 6.50 c12 15.20
10 r4 53.00 c3 c11 1284.00 9176.00
Santa Anita
7th Race Top LP #3 paid 40.60 16.00 6.80
fts r1 6 19.20 6.40 612.40 exr
r2 1 2.60 1892.60 trf
Top EP 4 14072.40 spf
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for January 26, 2024
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 boxr123 c12 7.80 c8 c3 38.40 76.00
2 qc 3/8 c3 9.00 c1 55.50 37.00
3 box41234 c3 8.00 c12 r4 21.00 140.50
4 boxr123 c12 5.40 91.00
5 wboxc12ls ls 85.50 c12 c4 206.00 780.00 160.50 515.00
9 qc4/8 c9 19.20 r3 167.00
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for January 25, 2024
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 wp c2 9.40
2 wbox3 c c12 fav c2 c2 30.20 83.50
3 wboxr123 r1 5.20 r2 r3 17.80 144.00
4 wboxr123 r1 14.80 r2 r3 47.20 258.00 64.50
5 qc 4/8 c11 fav r2 r4 11.00 40.00 40.00
6 wboxr12 r1 5.20 r2 12.00 82.00
8 wpls r3 ls 14.40
9 w c1-r2 c1 12.20 r2 62.00
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for January 20, 2024
Golden Gate Fields
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6 1$AllPL
1 wboxcons c9r1 29.20 c7 c3 76.20 424.60
2 wboxcons c3 17.20 c3 c5 43.60 152.00 181.00
3 wboxr1-2 r2 9.20 r1 27.60 100.80 947.80
4 wp cons c4 22.80 1911.40 SOFT TURF
5 WP ls ls 47.20 17.80 2954.80
6 wboxcons c11 5.00 2335.20
7 wboxr1-2 r2 6.40 SOFT TURF
8 W BOXR123 R3 FAV
9 wboxr12 r2 6.80 5/6 340.60
1$ 9/9 5946.50
Santa Anita
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6 AllPK
3 wboxr1234 r3 23.20 r2 r4ls 105.50 665.00
4 w ls ls 8.50
5 wboxr123 r1 13.80 r2 r3 76.50 342.00 97.50 1306.00
6 wc12 r1 5.50 502.00
7 wboxr12 r1 6.30 r2 27.60 255.50
8 wboxr123 r1 7.00 r3 24.40 56.00
9 wboxcons c4 7.20
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for January 7, 2024
Golden Gate Fields
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6 AllPK
1 w-box 3c c3 14.20 c10 c10 40.00 44.60
2 w box 3c c12 9.20 c2 c3 49.00 91.30 105.60
3 NB -nr fav c5 c12 fav
4 w c12r1 c12 11.80 c6r5
5 wbox3c c1 27.20 c12 r5 60.50 127.30
6 w c10r1 c10 11.60 r4 156.60 155.40 990.40
7 lsc8r2 c8 9.00 1262.40
8 wfavr1r2 fav 5.80 c11 c6 fav 44.80 226.40
9 wbox1234 c7 12.80 r1 r4 42.20 100.40 85.20 302.401$ 9/9 5804.50
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for December 30, 2023
Calder Race Course
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl 1$PK3 1$ PK4
1 w-boxr1r2 c12 fav c1 c5 13.20 32.20
2 wp r1 c5 14.60 7.80 35.20
3 wboxr1234 r4 29.60 r3 r2 114.40 608.80 327.80
4 qc1468/8 8ls 24.40 6c8r1 161.00 1478.00
5 qc1789/11 9 14.40 8c12r1 45.80 1257.30
6 nr r4 13.60 c12 ( 56.20) (1238.60)
7 w-boxr1,2 r1 30.40 r2 145.20 (1672.60)
8 w-boxr1,2 r2 21.00
9 w-box3461 r2 35.00 r1lsc8 79.20 246.40 924.20
10 w-box467 c8 154.00 r1 c7 1194.80 3810.60
11 w-boxr1,2 r2 23.20 37396.50 77762.40
12 w-GO HOME c11 fav -- THANK YOU MR. CALDER--
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for December 20, 2023
Golden Gate Fields
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6 AllPK
1 w box2 c3 fav c8 fav
2 w box3 lsr2 39.00 c2 228.00 132.80
3 w box2 c6 fav r3 17.80 70.80 375.60
4 w c11 5.20 16.00 284.50
5 qc3/8 c7 10.80 c12 47.00 234.60 38.20 111.20
6 w 5nr c4 fav 42.80 140.40
7 w box2 c12 fav c7 11.60 48.20
8 w box2 c9 8/8
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 w -dbl c9 fav c11
2 w box2 c11 9.60 r5 32.20
3 w box3 c5 7.60 c2 32.00 163.50
4 w p3 c8 5.10 c4 20.80 142.00
5 w box2 c12 7.00 96.00
6 qc3/8 c12 6.60 c3 c12 51.50 209.50 118.50
7 qc3/9 c12 fav c8 fav 61.50
8 w box4top r4 17.80 c12 c7 58.00 122.50 173.50 6/6
Hollywood Park
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6 AllPK
1 w dbl r3 fav c12 c8 fav
2 w p3 c0 5.60 c7 14.40
3 w box2 r3ls 16.40 151.40
4 w box3 c12 fav r5 c3 19.60 90.80 38.00 129.80
5 w box2 c12 7.00 c6 11.40 154.00
6 w box4 c8 16.20 c11c2c3 45.80 546.20 1998.60 150.20
7 w box3 c6 10.40 c11 c5 20.80 127.40 129.80 459.80
8 w box2 c9 6.80 c2 47.60 542.00 13904.60 1868.00
pk4 2851.80
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for December 13, 2023
Golden Gate Fields
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6 AllPK
1 w box3 c12 fav c6 c8 fav fav
2 qc 3/8 c9 5.60 c7 c9 20.60 41.40 fav
3 w box2 c11 fav c3 fav
4 w c8 5.60 r3 fav
5 wp c12
6 w 2scr c5 5.20 c5
7 w box3 r4 c11
8 w box3 c3 16.60 c2 c12 112.20 824.40
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 w box4 c3 14.20 c3 c4 43.00 112.80
2 w box4 ls 43.00 c12c0c10 166.20 1410.40 4717.20
3 w box4 ls 25.60 c3c4c12 65.60 266.20 719.20 2512.20
4 w box3 c11 c9
5 w box3 c12 6.60 c8 56.20
6 w box2 c10 17.60
7 w box2 c5 c0
8 w box2 c3 8.00
9 w box4 c11 fav c4c6c2 13.60 36.80 121.60
10 w box2 c4 5.40 c12
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 w box3 c4 12.00 c7 r5 55.50 369.50
2 w box2 c12 11.80 c4 76.50
3 qc 3/7 c12 fav c4 c6 23.00 45.40 143.00
4 nr 4 pass c9
5 w box2 c7 8.00
6 nr 8 pass c5 14.00 c12 34.20
7 c10 scr c8
8 qc 3/8 c12 5.30 c7 38.40
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for December 8, 2023
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 w box3 c12 fav c7 c5 fav fav
2 qc 3/7 c5 11.60 c3 45.20 26.60
3 w box3 c12 4.60 c6 fav 79.20
8 qc3/9 c8 56.80
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 w-box3 r5 46.60 c4c12scr
2 w-box2 c5 16.60 c11 491.00
3 qc 4/7 c12 10.00 c7 r4 26.40 95.00 1916.00
4 w box3 c1 14.80 c12 c8 42.80 126.50 798.00
5 w box2 c8 fav c5 21.80 141.00
6 w box3 c3 47.00 c12 908.00
7 w box2 c10 fav c7c8scr 16.40 224.00
8 w box3 c6 14.00 c6r3 24.20 79.50 1409.00 171.50 5/6
FTS 6/6
9 w box2 c7 7.60
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for December 1, 2023
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 w box4 c12 fav c1c8c3 13.40 30.40 74.00
2 w box4 c2 20.40 c8c2c10 261.80 1304.00 2691.60
3 w box3 c10 8.40 c4 c9 24.00 50.60 458.60
4 w box3 c11 8.00 c9 c2 23.20 156.60 414.00
5 w box2 c12 5.80 c7 14.20 178.40
6 w/p box2 c12 fav c8 13.40 51.80 82.60
7 qc4/7 c5 6.40 c11c6r4 15.00 90.80 223.00 64.40
8 w c6 9.00 67.40
9 w box2 c4 fav c12 32.40 84.80
10 w box2 c12 7.80 c7 23.80
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
5 w box2 c11 8.80 c9 30.80
6 w box3 c5 9.80 r2 c10 97.50 467.00
9 w box3 c6 21.80 c4 c12 188.00 617.00
Hollywood Park
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6 AllPK
1 w box3 c4 fav c10 c3 10.20
2 w box3 c4 5.80 c10 ls 28.60 168.40 19.00
3 w ls ls 43.60 c8 153.40 415.60
4 w box2 c4 9.20 c0 192.80 1499.00
5 w box2 c12 fav c4 9.40 408.60
6 w box2 c4 15.00 143.60
7 w box3 c12 fav c0 ls 38.00 40.40 59.60
8 w box2 c8 5.20 c7 6/6 8/8
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for November 27, 2023
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 w box 2 c5 fav c11 c0 9.00
2 w c6 fav
3 w box 4 c9 9.60 c4c11c0 33.00 58.60 180.40
4 w c5 5.20 45.00
5 w c4 10.40 c10 210.00
6 c9 c3
7 w qc3/8 c12 5.40 c5 20.80
9 w box2 c3 15.00 c3 74.60
10 w qc2/8 c8 9.00 c12 27.60
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for November 24, 2023
Golden Gate Fields
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6 AllPK
1 w box3 c4 6.80 c11 15.20
2 w box 3 c6 7.40 c6 c12 42.40 105.40 40.80
3 w-box3 c9 52.50 r4 c4 452.60 961.40 324.90
4 w-box4 c0 7.60 c7 c12 56.40 172.60 148.20 2734.00
5 w-box3 c8 18.20 c4 429.60 39.60 898.40
6 w-box4 c8 12.40 99.80 554.60
7 w-box2 c12 8.20 21.00 334.40
8 w-box3 c9 10.00 41.80 204.20
9 w-box3 c4 20.20 r5 c12 98.80 422.40 99.00 556.60
10 qc 3/10 c4 9.20 c4 32.80 6/6 10/10
TRACK 5/6 PAID 1763.00 7/10 PLACE PICK ALL PAID 139.30
Churchill Downs
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 w-box c0 32.00 c6 c1 113.00 184.20
2 w-box4 c3 10.40 c4 c12 26.40 81.80 160.80-151.60
3 w-box2 c12 4.20 c8 14.40 237.20
4 nr3
6 w c4 15.60
7 w c12 5.20
8 w p-3 c12 3.20 c7 139.80
9 4 scr fts
10 w-box3 c7 5.40 c8 ls 19.20 211.20
11 w c8 5.20
12 w box2 c3 21.60 c1 145.60 278.00 71.60
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
2 w box3 c2 15.00 c5 c6 140.80 558.20 54.40
7 qc 4/8 r4 16.80 c6 c12 72.00 157.40 480.00
8 fav
9 w-box c12 4.60 c8 9.40 46.40 162.20
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 qc 3/10 c11 9.30 c5 124.00
2 qc 3/8 c12 3.30 r4 c8 51.00 244.00 18.40
3 nr
4 8 scr
5 qc 3/7 c7 2.70 c10 c7 11.60 75.50
10 w-box c9 9.50 c10 58.50
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for November 22, 2023
Golden Gate Fields
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6 AllPK
1 win C7 7.20 c5
2 w/p c6 11.20
3 qc 3/6 c8 6.20 c3 c12 32.00 31.50
4 qc 3/7 c6 5.80 c11 ls 17.20 140.40
7 qc 4/8 ls 32.00 c3 c12 231.80 1361.80
Churchill Downs
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
7 win c10 15.80
8 qc 4/8 c12 4.20 c7 c3c3 36.00 122.00 124.40 149.40
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 win 15.20 9.60 88.00
2 win-dbl 6.70 62.50
3 p-3 fav 75.00
7 qc c12 14.40 c4 c5 87.80 433.20
8 qc c8 fav c2 c3 14,80 52.20
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for November 17, 2023
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6 AllPK
1 win dbl c8 9.20
2 w- exbox c6 15.60 c2 r5 73.50 295.50 71.00
3 w- p-3 c12 5.10 c7 259.50
5 w c6 10.60 c1
6 w c9 5.10
8 ls w/p ls 10.20
9 qc-box r4 17.80 c9-c11-c3 130.50 338.50 1493.00
Churchill Downs
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spf/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 w-dbl c11 7.60 c4
2 w-qcbox ls 131.00 c10 c1 651.00 4311.40 463.40
3 w-ls c2 10.80 ls 50.40
5 qc-box c3 15.00 c4 c10 82.60 309.20
7 w -p-3 ls 32.00
8 w-exbox c10 13.60 c5 40.60
9 w-exbox c5 4.40 c7 784.00
10 w-exbox c3 15.20 c9 108.00
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for November 10, 2023
Bay Meadows
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Dbl PK3 PK6 AllPK
1 5h nr c8 <2/1 c7 c0 19.00
2 dbl c11 <2/1 c9 c3 11.00 23.20 11.00
3 w c2 <2/1 c12 19.60 10.60 24.00
4 w c12 5.40 c4 16.40 11.40 28.00
5 w c5 5.00 c12 16.40 31.20
6 w c12 9.20 c4 72.20 44.40 84.60
7 box 12 c7 7.60 c2 20.00 35.60 94.80
8 w r4 <2/1 c6 293.40 79.30
Churchill Downs
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Spr/Dbl PK3 PK6
1 w c8 8.80
3 w-box c7 9.80 c12 c1 20.60 70.40
4 w c8 34.20 c3
5 w-box c8 50.80 4582.60
6 w-box c12 4.40 c5 c4 22.20 80.00 583.40 1274.20
7 w-box c10 7.60 r5 c9 48.40 352.00 391.40
8 w-box r5 27.00 c1 c9 179.80 297.60 4/6 best
9 w c7 <2/1 c7 c7 low FTS 6/6
10 w c6 24.00 57.00
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Dbl PK3 PK6
1 QC w-box C12 <2/1 c8 r4 low 33.80
2 w-box c12 5.00 c6 17.80 8.20
3 w-box 4 c10 5.60 c2 37.00 27.80
4 QC4/8 box r4 9.40 c12 24.00
5 nr 4 sr c12 c8
6 nr c8
7 nr c6 6.00 c4
8 nr c2
9 w-box c10
10 nr c1 c11
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri Dbl PK3 PK6
1 w c9 10.20
2 dbl c11 <2/1 16.20
3 5H
4 w c7 7.20
5 w c2 8.30 c12 16.00
6 w c9 <2/1 46.40
7 box 12 c1 7.10 c8 c12 32.60 64.00 112.00
8 8 scr
9 w nr c6 5.60
Hollywood Park
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN p-FTS-s Exacta Tri SPR/Dbl PK3 PK6 AllPK
1 w-box c3 5.00 c12 c4 15.40 32.60
2 w box r3 5.40 c11 c4 13.40 74.00 23.00
3 w-box c12 <2/1 c1 c6 10.20 23.60 46.00
4 w-box c9 7.00 c4 c11 30.20 68.60 14.80 58.60
5 QC4/8-box c11 25.20 c8 r4 202.60 593.30 71.40 267.60
6 QC4/10box r4 19.40 c9 263.00 917.60
7 w-box c12 9.00 c7 27.20 101.40 2323.40
8 w-box c12 4.60 218.30 25,979.20 318.30
RESULT HIGHLIGHTS for November 7, 2023
Churchill Downs
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN FTS-plc Exacta Tri Dbl PK3 PK6
1 win c11 14.80
5 win c 9 5.60
7 ext tri c 8 9.80 Ls 20.40 210.40 2108.00
8 win c12 26.20
9 ext 3/12 QC 7.00 39.20
Race Play--$ FTS---WIN FTS-plc Exacta Tri Dbl PK3 PK6
1 dbl c6 4.00
2 win c8 6.30 14.80
3 win c10 7.60 77.50
6 tri c12 2.60 c7 ls 104.00
9 tri c5 5.40 c3 c10 34.60 59.50