Santa Anita

Fast Track Simulcapping:

Contenders and Speed Ratings

-- RATINGS -- RTG contender rating LR last race speed rating P# program number EP early pace rating ML morning line odds LP late pace rating DLR days since last race FTS Fast Track speed rating Rank rank of LR, EP, LP, FTS each horse * ratings calculated from race of different distance to today For Further Explanation of Ratings
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April 18th, 1999.

1ST RACE:     1 mi.     Turf     Open     Allowance 
Quick Picks:     Skibo Castle           Surprizetome           Odbe Surprized         
Pace Profile:    Surprizetome           Skibo Castle           Physique               
Spud Says:       Surprizetome           Skibo Castle           
Long Shot:       Odbe Surprized         
CONSENSUS:       Surprizetome(8)        Skibo Castle(7)        Physique(1)      

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
*Skibo Castle             ++     1  12-1    28   85  103   91    95    7191
Surprizetome              ++-    7   5-1    35   91   93  101    94    1711
Avenging Eagle            +      5   8-1    21   80   98   95    94    9251
Odbe Surprized            +      3   8-1    17   88   94   99    93    4624
Oysters                   +      2   4-1    28   86   97   95    92    5454
Solitare                  +      8  20-1    23   90   98   94    92    2384
Physique                  +      6   5-1    36   89   94   97    91    3534
Anytime                   +-     4   5-2    36   86   91   97    88    5838
Glaize                           9  15-1    28   85   90   95    85    7959
*Shadow Creek                   10  15-1   204    0    0    0     0    9999
2ND RACE:     1 mi.     Dirt     Fillies     Mdn Claiming
Quick Picks:     Goodtimesandrich's     La Vuelta              Ivycoveredwalls        
Pace Profile:    Salty Steph            Goodtimesandrich's     Bobbin Lee             
Spud Says:       La Vuelta              Goodtimesandrich's     
Long Shot:       Ivycoveredwalls        
CONSENSUS:       Goodtimesandrich's(7)  La Vuelta(5)           Salty Steph(3)         

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
Goodtimesandrich's        ++     7   5-1    31   83   90   96    86    3531
*Ivycoveredwalls          +     10  15-1     9   82   89   95    85    4542
*Rey Ina                  +      9  12-1    24   70   91   94    84    9472
Salty Steph               ++-    5   5-2    23   84   99   86    84    1192
*La Vuelta                +      3   3-1     3   82   87   97    84    4712
Bobbin Lee                ++-    1   4-1    38   84   96   87    83    1296
*Mugsy                           8  12-1    23   80   87   95    82    7747
*Diane G                  +-     2  15-1    23   82   91   89    80    4388
*Grushenka                       6  30-1    10   78   81   97    78    8919
*Flying Carousel                 4  15-1    24   76   81   95    77    9949
3RD RACE:     6 1/2 f.     Dirt     Fillies and Mares     
Quick Picks:     K Sera                 Self Taught            Grenda                 
Pace Profile:    K Sera                 Self Taught            Grenda                 
Spud Says:       Self Taught            Bugged                 
Long Shot:       Capeche                
CONSENSUS:       Self Taught(7)         K Sera(6)              Bugged(2)              

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
K Sera                    ++     1   5-2    51   94   97   93    91    1431
Self Taught               ++     8   2-1    16   91   99   91    90    2152
Capeche                   +      7  15-1    17   82   94   95    89    7613
Bugged                    +-     3  10-1   212   90   99   90    89    3163
Grenda                    +      2   6-1    14   90   99   89    88    3163
Dreamin N Schemin         +      6   7-2    30   87   97   90    87    5466
Speaking of Time                 4  10-1    23   85   92   92    84    6747
Sure Special                     5  20-1    84   80   89   94    84    8828
4TH RACE:     6 1/2 f.     About     Turf Fillies and Mares     
Quick Picks:     Desert Lady            Sapphire Ring          Bella Chiarra          
Pace Profile:    Ask for Speed          Desert Lady            Hula Queen             
Spud Says:       Ask for Speed          Fleeting Image         
Long Shot:       Hula Queen             Bella Chiarra          
CONSENSUS:       Desert Queen(5)        Ask for Speed(5)       Fleeting Image(2)

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
Hula Queen                ++-    5  15-1    22   98  101   97    98    1161
Bella Chiarra             +      4  10-1    14   90   98  100    97    7342
Fleeting Image            +      3   5-1    18   97   97  100    96    2443
Desert Lady               ++    1A   7-5    37   96   91  105    96    3623
Ask for Speed             ++     2   5-1   239   94  102   95    96    5173
Bountiful Dreamer         +      6  10-1    18   96   92  104    96    3533
*Sapphire Ring            +      1   7-5   151   94   77  119    96    5713
*Happyanunoit                    7   5-2   358    0    0    0     0    8888
5TH RACE:     6 f.     Dirt     Open     
Quick Picks:     Future Hero            Roundabout Rock        What Say You           
Pace Profile:    Roundabout Rock        Future Hero            What Say You           
Spud Says:       Roundabout Rock        Future Hero            
Long Shot:       My Apollo              
CONSENSUS:       Roundabout Rock(8)     Future Hero(7)         What Say You(2)        

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
Roundabout Rock           +++-   7   9-5   272   98  114   84    98    1191
Future Hero               ++     2   5-2    39   98  105   92    96    1272
What Say You              +      4   5-1    17   92   97   96    93    4323
Coy's Pic                 +      6   6-1    31   90   90  101    91    6914
My Apollo                 +      8  12-1     9   94   97   94    91    3344
Lesgardiens                      1  20-1    24   91   96   93    89    5566
Heightenedawarenes               5  10-1   196   83   92   95    87    9737
Fierce Heart                     9  20-1    28   86   91   94    85    7848
Salty Season                     3  15-1   169   85   93   91    84    8679
6TH RACE:     7 f.     Dirt     Open     Maiden 
Quick Picks:     Devine Wind            King Crafty            Sand Colony            
Pace Profile:    
Spud Says:       
Long Shot:       Sydney's Olympics

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
Devine Wind               ++     6   3-1    28   94   97   96    93    1331
Sand Colony               +      7   9-2    28   92   96   97    92    2432
King Crafty               +-     8   7-2    43   90   98   93    92    3262
Nature's Power                   3   6-1    36   89   91   98    89    4624
Sydney's Olympics                5   8-1    22   82   93   95    89    7554
Roncesvalles                     9  20-1    18   87   85  103    88    5714
Wealth of Nation                 2  15-1    56   86  100   86    86    6177
Euchre                           4   5-1     0    0    0    0     0    8888
Boundless Charm                  1  10-1     0    0    0    0     0    8888
Rugger                          1A  10-1     0    0    0    0     0    8888
7TH RACE:     1 3/4 mi.     About     Turf Open     
Quick Picks:     Le Paillard            Lazy Lode              Kessem Power           
Pace Profile:    Le Paillard            Montjoy                Kessem Power           
Spud Says:       Kessem Power           Single Empire          
Long Shot:       Percutant              
CONSENSUS:       Le Paillard(6)         Kessem Power(5)        Lazy Lode(2)           

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
Le Paillard               ++     5  10-1    30   99   89  110    99    1651
Kessem Power              +      3   2-1    28   92   60  134    94    3812
Fibonacci                        7  30-1    21   94   92  101    93    2463
Lazy Lode                 +      4   7-2    28   90   79  114    92    9743
Montjoy                   +      2   8-5    24   92   93   99    92    3273
Percutant                        6  30-1    21   92   94   97    91    3196
Rate Cut                         1   5-1    24   91   93   98    91    8297
Lucayan Indian                   8  20-1    24   92   90  100    90    3578
Dushyantor                      1A   5-1    28   88   61  128    88    9839
Single Empire             +     2B   8-5    28   92   60  128    88    3929
8TH RACE:     6 f.     Dirt     Open     
Quick Picks:     Wayne's Choice         Hemet Gold             Vaquero                
Pace Profile:    Hemet Gold             Wayne's Choice         Free World             
Spud Says:       Wayne's Choice         Hemet Gold             
Long Shot:       Free World             
CONSENSUS:       Wayne's Choice(8)      Hemet Gold(7)          Vaquero(1)             

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
Wayne's Choice            +++-   5   2-1    42   96   98   99    97    1331
Hemet Gold                ++-    3   5-2   420   94  100   96    97    3161
Vaquero                   +      8  10-1    24   93   97   98    95    4343
Power Game                +-     2   8-1    23   85   97   97    95    8343
Free World                +-     6  12-1    49   95   99   95    95    2283
Pulzarr                   +-     4   7-2   483   90   93   97    90    5766
*Del Mar Dancer                  9  15-1    23   86   81  108    90    7816
Timeless Trickstr                7  20-1    24   87   98   92    90    6396
*Sky Hawk                        1  20-1    91   82   81  107    89    9829
9TH RACE:     1 mi.     Dirt     Open     Claiming 
Quick Picks:     Nursery Crime          It's a Reality         Woodman's Kris         
Pace Profile:    It's a Reality         Nursery Crime          I'm a Lucky Lover      
Spud Says:       It's a Reality         Woodman's Kris
Long Shot:       I'm a Lucky Lover      
CONSENSUS:       It's a Reality(8)      Nursery Crime(5)       Woodman's Kris(3)   

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
It's a Reality            ++-    8   6-1    29   94  102   92    93    1181
*I'm a Lucky Lover        +-     6   8-1    14   92   97   95    92    2222
Nursery Crime             +      5   9-2    14   91   96   95    90    3623
Pelagius                  +-     3  15-1    50   90   98   93    90    5263
Woodman's Kris            +      1   5-1    28   80   92   98    90    9913
Festivo                   +-     2   5-1    15   88   97   92    90    6263
Criminal Suit             +      9   8-1    14   91   96   93    89    3657
Global Performance        +      7   7-2    29   87   94   94    88    7847
Way the Best                     4   8-1    35   82   97   90    87    8299
10TH RACE:     1 mi.     Dirt     Open     Claiming 
Quick Picks:     Fashion Outlaw         Pondero's Leader       Speedball              
Pace Profile:    Fashion Outlaw         Pondero's Leader       Bay St. Dancer         
Spud Says:       Fashion Outlaw         Bay St. Dancer         
Long Shot:       Sierratime             
CONSENSUS:       Fashion Outlaw(9)      Pondero's Leader(4)    Bay St. Dancer(3)      

Name                      RTG   P#    ML   DLR   LR   EP   LP   FTS    Rank
Fashion Outlaw            ++     1   4-1    18   91   99   94    93    1241
Pondero's Leader          +-     6   5-2    30   88   92   98    90    3712
Sierratime                       7  15-1    14   80   97   92    89    7363
Bay St. Dancer                   9   5-1   211   73  100   89    89    9193
*Um Principe              +-     4  20-1    25   89   92   95    86    2735
Casadantes Star                 10   6-1    14   84   92   93    86    5656
Ragged Shoes              +      8   8-1    15   88   93   92    85    3566
Speedball                        3  20-1    15   84   89   96    85    5926
Investor                         2   5-1   196   75   97   87    83    8399
First Glass                      5  20-1    15   72   87   90    77    9989